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What's Your Definition Of Greatness? "To own your story and love yourself through that process." Brene Brown
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"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson
Dreams grow if you grow. Zig Ziglar
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"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Nelson Mandela
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." -Tony Robbins
"Love the life you live. Live the life you love." -Bob Marley
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -Helen Keller
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Teresa
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Buddha
Stay hungry, stay foolish. Steve Jobs
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
Some people do really find fault like there's a reward for it. Zig Ziglar
It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela
Turn your wounds into wisdom. Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you are, be a good one. Abraham Lincoln
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt
Little by little, one travels far. J.R.R. Tolkien
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. Malcolm X
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
I think, therefore I am. René Descartes
To be, or not to be, that is the question. William Shakespeare
A lot of people quit looking for work as soon as they find a job. Zig Ziglar
Live life like your the hero in the story.
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ALONENESS TO ONENESS – Best Life Changing Spiritual Documentary Film on Non-duality – Todd Perelmuter

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Aloneness to Oneness: A Journey of Spiritual Transformation

Discovering Non-duality and the Essence of True Happiness

Discovering Non-duality and the Essence of True Happiness

During his travels in India, Aaron Abke met a man at an ashram who was around 45-50 years old, a bit older than the usual crowd. This man shared a poignant story that began with a motorcycle trip he took with his wife. A tragic accident with a truck resulted in the death of his wife and left him severely injured, almost paralyzed, and in a coma for a while. Upon waking, he faced immense physical and emotional challenges.

Quick Takeaways:

Transformative Journey of a Tragic Accident Survivor:

A man in his late 40s faced a life-changing event when a truck accident killed his wife and left him severely injured. Through the guidance of a yoga teacher, he regained mobility and eventually found solace in India, exploring yoga, meditation, Hinduism, and Buddhism. Despite his loss, he found greater happiness and a new spiritual path.

The Illusion of Ownership and Materialism:

The documentary emphasizes the Native American perspective of not having a concept of ownership, contrasting it with modern materialism. It critiques how advertising creates artificial desires, leading to a cycle of craving and dissatisfaction. True happiness is depicted as independent of external possessions and circumstances.

Oneness and Interconnectedness:

The film explores the concept of non-duality, emphasizing that all beings are interconnected and part of a single universal consciousness. Labels such as name, class, religion, and nationality are seen as temporary constructs that mask our true, infinite nature. Realizing this interconnectedness is key to spiritual enlightenment.

Perception and Reality:

Human perception is limited to a tiny fraction of the spectrum of light and sound. If we could perceive more, we would see a universe full of energy and oneness, rather than separateness. This understanding can shift our experience from loneliness to aloneness, recognizing others as extensions of ourselves.

Embracing Spiritual Awareness:

The documentary encourages a perspective of life as a continuous miracle, urging viewers to embrace every moment. It highlights that suffering exists in the mind, and our true nature—pure consciousness—remains untouched by external circumstances. Spirituality is presented as a universal, innate wisdom accessible to everyone, without the need for specific religious adherence.

In-Depth Insights:

The Path to Recovery Through Yoga

A yoga teacher friend played a crucial role in his rehabilitation. Through persistent effort and yoga, he regained his ability to walk. This newfound mobility led him to India, where he immersed himself in yoga, meditation, Hinduism, and Buddhism. This exploration brought him a sense of peace and fulfillment he never anticipated. Despite his loss, he found a path to happiness and spiritual growth.

Critique of Materialism and the Illusion of Ownership

The documentary critiques modern materialism, drawing on Native American perspectives that lack the concept of ownership. Aaron Abke emphasizes that material possessions and societal status often lead to a cycle of craving and dissatisfaction. True happiness, he suggests, comes from within and is not dependent on external factors. This shift in perspective helps individuals focus on the blessings they have rather than what they lack.

Understanding Oneness and Interconnectedness

A central theme in the documentary is the concept of non-duality, the idea that all beings are interconnected and part of a single universal consciousness. Aaron Abke explains that labels such as name, class, religion, and nationality are temporary constructs that mask our true, infinite nature. Recognizing this interconnectedness helps individuals transcend feelings of loneliness, seeing others as extensions of themselves.

Perception, Reality, and Spiritual Awareness

Human perception is limited, seeing only a fraction of the spectrum of light and sound. If we could perceive more, the universe would appear as a continuous flow of energy and oneness rather than separate entities. This understanding can shift our experience from loneliness to aloneness, a state where we recognize our unity with everything around us.

The documentary encourages viewers to embrace life as a continuous miracle, emphasizing that suffering exists in the mind. Our true nature, pure consciousness, remains untouched by external circumstances. Spirituality, Aaron Abke suggests, is an innate wisdom accessible to everyone, providing a universal path to lasting happiness.

From Tragedy to Transcendence

How One Man’s Journey Through Loss Led to Spiritual Awakening

During his travels in India, Aaron Abke encountered a man at an ashram, around 45-50 years old, who shared a life-changing story. This man and his wife were involved in a severe motorcycle accident, resulting in her death and his near-fatal injuries. Initially devastated and facing a long road to recovery, he was guided by a yoga teacher friend who helped him regain his mobility and strength through yoga.

Healing and Spiritual Exploration

Once physically capable, the man decided to delve deeper into yoga and spirituality in India. His journey led him to discover meditation, Hinduism, and Buddhism, which brought profound insights and healing. He expressed that this path, though unexpected, led him to a deeper sense of happiness and fulfillment than he had ever known.

Materialism and the False Promise of Happiness

Aaron Abke’s documentary highlights the pitfalls of modern materialism. It contrasts Native American views, which lack a concept of ownership, with contemporary society’s obsession with possessions. The film argues that true happiness is not found in material wealth but in inner peace and contentment. Advertising and societal pressures often create artificial desires, leading to a cycle of unfulfilled cravings.

Embracing Oneness and Rejecting Labels

A significant focus of the documentary is on the concept of non-duality, the belief in the interconnectedness of all beings. Aaron Abke emphasizes that societal labels—such as name, class, religion, and nationality—are temporary and do not define our true nature. Understanding that we are all part of a single universal consciousness helps transcend feelings of isolation, fostering a sense of unity and oneness.

The Limits of Perception and Spiritual Enlightenment

Human perception is limited to a narrow spectrum of light and sound. If we could perceive more, the universe would appear as a seamless flow of energy, illustrating our interconnectedness. This realization can transform loneliness into aloneness, where we see ourselves as part of a greater whole.

The documentary encourages a view of life as a series of miracles, with suffering existing only in the mind. Aaron Abke suggests that our true essence, pure consciousness, remains unaffected by external events. Spirituality is depicted as a universal wisdom, accessible to all, leading to genuine and lasting happiness.

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