How to gut and prepare animals for food
How to Gut and Prepare Animals for Food: A Step-by-Step Guide How to Gut and Prepare Animals for Food: A Step-by-Step Guide Gutting and preparing animals for food is a skill that has been passed down through generations and is essential for hunters, homesteaders, and anyone interested in sourcing their own food. Here’s a step-by-step […]
How to build a snare & trap small animals
Survival Skills: How to Build Snares and Traps for Small Animals Introduction In a survival situation, knowing how to procure food can be essential for your survival. Building snares and traps for small animals is a valuable skill that can help you secure a source of sustenance when other options are scarce. In this guide, […]
How to dig a water well
How To Dig A Water Well: A Step-by-Step Guide Digging a water well is a crucial skill, especially for those living in rural areas or off-grid locations where access to municipal water is limited or nonexistent. While it may seem like a daunting task, with the right tools, knowledge, and preparation, you can successfully dig […]
How to make fire
Discover Fire Making Tips & Tricks: Making fire is a fundamental survival skill that has been practiced by humans for thousands of years. Here’s a basic guide on how to make fire using various methods: 1. Friction Method: Bow Drill: Construct a bow using a curved stick and a length of cord. Create a spindle […]
How to purify water
Discover How To Clean Water For Drinking: Purifying water is essential for ensuring its safety for drinking and other uses, especially in situations where clean water sources are unavailable or contaminated. Here are several methods for purifying water: 1. Boiling: Bring the water to a rolling boil in a pot or kettle. Allow the water […]
Learn CPR
Discover CPR Tutorials & Consider Getting Certified: Learning CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) is a valuable skill that can potentially save lives in emergency situations. Here’s a basic guide to learning CPR: Find a CPR Course: The first step in learning CPR is to find a certified CPR training course in your area. Many organizations offer CPR […]
Firefighting – How to escape & put out fire
Fire Safety Essentials: How to Escape and Put Out Fires Introduction In the event of a fire, knowing how to escape safely and effectively can mean the difference between life and death. Additionally, understanding how to extinguish small fires before they escalate can help prevent property damage and save lives. In this guide, we’ll […]