Another Positive Aspect Exercise On Luck
Let's focus on exercising the luck factor!
Let’s rant about luck and how lucky I am. My life is easy, it is not exactly how I want it to be but it is good. I need to focus on the best parts of what is!
Create an emotional environment and listen to what the source has to say. I am constantly guided unless I get frustrated and try to make it happen myself.
I live in a free country. I have running potable water and so much that I can waste it. I( have heat and cooling. I have electricity and lots of devices that work on that system of power.
I have a decent bed and all the fixings to make it warm and cozy. I feel good most of the time and I live in a good neighborhood. I have a home and it is more than enough. I have food and a supermarket that is fully stocked with thousands of items.
I have been blessed with many insights and ideas that my life has allowed me to grow. I grow in my mind and body weekly. This morning it is cold but I am warm inside.
I have access to coffee houses and many other resources that enhance my life. I feel good. It feels like love, it feels like clarity.
I am aware of my thoughts and how they are sometimes less than rather than more than. I have positive expectations.
I can see it either way. Empty (less than) or Full (more than). It is my focus that causes my blessings or curses.
Feel the presence of it. How do you feel deserving, feel your way to it.
I want to feel good, I want to feel powerful, I want to feel certain, I want to feel love, I want to feel passionate, I want to feel fulfilled, I want to feel peace, I want to feel kind, I want to feel pleased, I want to be empowered, I want to feel strong, I want to feel amazing, I want to feel clear, I want to feel clear.
To find a pleasing match you have to feel pleased. Feel more satisfied by focusing on satisfying things.
No lack, I have more than enough. I do not need to identify the problem. I need to define what feels good and focus only on that.
Let in what feels good and remove everything else. Change the subject somehow!
The universe will give me the piece of pie that I want but I need to focus on the energy of that thing and find things that are already present.
Kindness, love, harmony, and more! Do not focus on the lack of something. It is me, I do it to myself with my thoughts and feelings.
I live in a place where there is no war. There are no snipers, there is low crime. Practice elation, practice peacefulness, practice easy.