This Site Is A Special Thank You & Introduction To Some Outstanding Men & Women!

What's Your Definition Of Greatness? "To own your story and love yourself through that process." Brene Brown
"Your story should not be your fortress but rather your fuel." - Lisa Nichols
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson
Dreams grow if you grow. Zig Ziglar
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Nelson Mandela
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." -Tony Robbins
"Love the life you live. Live the life you love." -Bob Marley
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -Helen Keller
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Teresa
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Buddha
Stay hungry, stay foolish. Steve Jobs
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
Some people do really find fault like there's a reward for it. Zig Ziglar
It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela
Turn your wounds into wisdom. Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you are, be a good one. Abraham Lincoln
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt
Little by little, one travels far. J.R.R. Tolkien
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. Malcolm X
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
I think, therefore I am. René Descartes
To be, or not to be, that is the question. William Shakespeare
A lot of people quit looking for work as soon as they find a job. Zig Ziglar
Live life like your the hero in the story.

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Meet Intuitive Madelyn Sobey

Video Transcript:

(00:00) hello Earth Angels and welcome back to another episode of alignment Academy I’m super excited for this episode we’re having one of my friends and clients meline on mateline came to the Joshua Tree Retreat and she randomly found me online came to the retreat since then has signed her first High ticket client has um grown her business has really stepped into her power and it’s only been like I don’t know two or 3 months she’s also coming on my Costa Rica Retreat there’s just so much magic

(00:35) between me and the Soul so I’m so excited to like introduce you guys to her as a reminder if you are still wanting to come to Costa Rica I do have a few spots left it’s May 17th through 24th for Spiritual women and entrepreneurs who are ready to step into their next level so that’s the main things that are going on in my world I just had my 29th birthday last week and it was so fun it was just the perfect birthday weekend um my best friend Bri came over all weekend we hung out we went up to La for a day had a big
(01:07) birthday dinner here on Friday with all of my San Diego friends and I just felt so celebrated and so whole and so loved just a beautiful way to celebrate my birthday and last year was like the worst birthday of my entire life cuz I was just going through a lot so it was like a nice um I don’t know like a nice start to my 29th year I know that this is going to be just another magical year it’s the last year of my sat return which yeah a lot is going to be going on but it’s going to be all good things and
(01:36) I’m I think that the worst of it is over I’m just going to say that I think the worst of it is over and I’m only like going up from here that’s kind of a little bit of what’s going on in my world and then also if you are listening to this episode when it comes out which is April 22nd then you are able to enroll in scared to scene as a self-paced for course for the first time it is going to be the most affordable you can ever get this course I don’t know if I will ever allow it like be
(02:07) selling it as a self-paced course again and if you’re not familiar with me or my work uh scared to scen is one of my most loved and most sought-after programs it’s an 8 week visibility accelerator to help coaches and entrepreneurs overcome their fear of being seen heal their inner child and Shadow wounds so they can show up confidently and consistently on social media it’s the only program literally the only program on the market that goes over not only deep inner work to heal the fear of being seen in fear
(02:32) of judgment but also the social media strategy on how to show up online I go over so many strategies such as my million-dollar infographic strategy I go over what to post on Stories versus reals how to show up as an entrepreneur and not just an influencer online like there’s so much goodness in there I’ve had some people tell me that even just the first module is worth the investment alone so if you’re interested in getting scared to scene go ahead and get into it I will post it down below so you guys
(03:00) can roll and I hope you guys have an amazing rest of your week thank you for hanging out with me on alignment Academy every single week and I think that’s all the updates for this week so without further Ado let’s go ahead and get into it mateline welcome to alignment Academy hi thank you so much for having me I’m so so grateful to be here yay so meline is my client she’s now my friend she came on my Joshua Tree Retreat and she also lives in San Diego where I live so like after Joshua Tree I was like
(03:29) girl we are going to hang out after because we Just Vibe on a very similar frequency we have so much fun when we’re together you guys have probably seen her in my Instagram stories she did dye her pair pink so her hair is currently pink but this is just how meline is she’s just like the most fun random free-spirited gal ever so I would love you to introduce yourself though meline tell us who you are what you do um she’s definitely a tap in Girly so introduce yourselves yes well thank you for having
(03:59) me um yes my name is mine I’m in San Diego I am a yogi I definitely describe myself as a free spirit I’m an intuitive psychic medium and just an open Channel I of course have labels but I really just take me where Source wants to go and I’m so grateful let me to this moment it’s just when you follow your heart you have little breadcrumbs and then it leads to something that’s so beautiful like she’s super um she’s super gifted as like a psychic medium and you know I have so many stories mine
(04:30) I’m like I want to tell them about the time I was like mine come to the ca bar with me and we’re at the ca bar and mine is like Kristen your grandma’s here oh my gosh that was wild and you started channeling my grandma which is just like how me and matad and are like when we’re together it’s just so random and fun but let’s actually go back to the beginning because I got a little bit ahead of myself I want you to tell everyone how you decided to come to Joshua Tree and let’s just talk about
(04:59) Joshua tree for a second because I feel like that was the most magical portal and your life has not been the same since Joshua tree and I’m not just saying that you tell them no 100% so I had just finished a whole year of yoga teacher training I had done my 200 hour my 300 hour I was really deep in it Hinduism Hindu mythology all of that and I finished my program and it was like kind of what’s next and I needed I was looking for like the next tool of integration of how to move forward and as someone who has
(05:28) debled with plant medicine I was really looking forward a community event and I saw you in Kristen or I saw you in Bri Post online and it was just so an immediate in my body reaction of like this is something that I’m interested in and I hadn’t known either of you before we hadn’t connected it was one of those moments too where I had messaged you saying I’m interested we got on a Clarity call and within a matter of hours I was like I’m there this is for me it was a and it was a big decision I
(05:53) mean it’s a it was a big trip and there was um a lot that had to go into play but for sure but it was also it’s part of my soul’s journey and when you know you know and I believe when you get those signs you have to act on it and it was just an immediate like hell yes in my body and I think that the reason that I just love your soul so much is because you work very similar to me and I actually think that this is just how I’m going to say it like successful people work you don’t over you don’t ever
(06:21) overthink things like I’ve been with you long enough to see like if you feel something in your body and you’re like I need to be there you just do it and you figure out the details laughter for sure and your North Star your compass your body knows where it wants to go and I would love to believe that we have this mind heart connection that’s always in coherence but a lot of times our mind is boggled with other things or we’re ruminating or we’re not fully grounded in the moment so you have to believe
(06:48) that sometimes your body knows the answer so being in the moment and feeling it I have to trust that and it hasn’t steered me wrong so using that as evidence and knowing that things are not going to always make sense right away and that’s part of the mystery if we know everything how it’s going to play like not only what fun is that but I don’t believe that it’s our privilege to know everything that’s the mystery of The Human Experience that’s this unseen that we’re tapping into and it’s this
(07:14) like Cosmic dance of okay I’m gonna lean into this sign and then universe is going to take care of me here and it just works out that way it’s more fun and that’s like living in the unknown as our daddy Joe dispensa says it’s like when you’re living in the unknown it’s it’s always a surprise you don’t get to know everything like you said and I feel like you really do live in that like unknown energy where you never know what’s going to unfold like meline is the most I would say like I don’t want
(07:42) to call you like last minute but just like R you’re just doing random things all the time I just go where the wind takes me truly and it’s so chaotic in some ways but also just beautiful because structure is great for some people but I don’t want to miss out on Magic and like J it says the unknown Kristen I feel like I’ve spent so long in my journey I haven’t even told you this of like journaling about meeting these high vibration friends that also are growing spiritual businesses and the
(08:11) fact that I just said okay this seems right now I have the most incredible beautiful relationships for that I’m so grateful for and I don’t think that would have happened if I not just said like okay yeah sure I just met you girls for a one FaceTime but I’m in yeah it’s how things unfold it’s actually crazy to think of like what’s just all the Adventure we’ve been on since Joshua TR like if you didn’t come like my life would be less magical too so I’m so grateful but let’s go
(08:37) into you know we know what’s happened since then but I want to talk about where you were before Joshua Tree what happened during it and then you know it’s two and a half months later now what’s happened since then so tell us where you were at in your business in your journey before you came to Joshua tree before Joshua Tree I felt a little ungrounded a little let’s just see where life takes me and Joshua Tree cracked me open it was an absolute portal the space and Transformations that happened there
(09:10) it was 40 years worth of work in one weekend and I’m not even saying that casually like I’ve I’ve I’ve been on this process this healing Journey for a while I’ve sat with plat medicine before it was intense it was healing the the medicine itself is one thing but the energies in the room how you rehal this space the ceremony was really deep we went in depth I I felt how held and supported I am but the biggest takeaway I got from that weekend and Kristen you said this over and over again it’s like take your mission
(09:42) seriously what I have to share in this world is part of a greater plan it’s part of a greater journey and if I don’t step into my role someone out there is not going to get their healing that they need so much of my healing has been done because people have stepped into their power like if you and Brian did not say okay let’s follow this urge to do this Joshua Tre Retreat so much of my own healing so much of my own trials and tribulations my own grief Journey so many things wouldn’t have been held and
(10:12) supported have we not followed those urges and now it gave me permission not even permission it gave me that urge that’s like I’ve got some work to do in this lifetime there’s people that need to hear what I have to say and as an intuitive I’ve I’ve been in this Sphere for a while but I really feel that now more than ever this message needs to get out there because we can create light life we love I mean your whole business is creating a life that you love it does not have to be miserable and sure like
(10:43) the work can be hard but it’s hard because it’s so rewarding it’s so beautiful on the other side you have to get past that threshold of fear and that’s what a mushroom ceremony is there’s this layer of the unknown that’s so scary and dark and you’re like I have no idea a what’s going to happen you’re laying there with your eye mask you’re in Joshua Tree what is to come and when you fully surrender and you let go of your expectations and you can just trust that you’re held magic happens it’s the
(11:11) most beautiful thing in the world so after that weekend I really had to reflect on so much of okay I have this deep understanding of source of God of the universe I’m so aware of my gifts as an intuitive as an artist as a communicator now what and that’s where you come in like you were such and you are such a huge Catalyst in my transformation specifically Kristen and I I sat down and I was like let’s go um we decided to go on a walk and talk about how I was going to create an action plan and within this action plan
(11:43) I listed these things that I wanted to accomplished and I thought that these were things that would take a year two years five years every single one of them has happened within two months and it happened like that and it’s not just okay you say these things you hope for the best you cross cross your fingers like the manifestation equation is of course elevated emotions clear intentions but then it’s also action and surrender it’s putting yourself in the right places and then saying I’m doing
(12:12) what I can I leave the rest up to source and you have been this piece of action that has been so loving and so nurturing but also so like I people need to hear what you have to say and for that I’m so grateful and so much has transpired since then yeah and like just to give you guys ideas when we were in Joshua Tree we were on that walk you know she was like can you help me like create some actions and I was like yeah like I got to go walk Teddy I BR my dog everywhere I was like look come with me to walk Teddy and so we’re walking teddy
(12:39) and I’m like what do you want to accomplish and she you know shares that she wants to get um like start you know posting online and like I think what did what else did you share you were like I want to start it was teaching yoga at a certain Studio hosting workshops doing Retreats just having a business that feels heart- centered and also being self-employed yes being self-employed and I remember you saying like I don’t know how this is going to happen I was like well let’s kind of like get clear
(13:05) on what the things that you need to do and I remember you sharing even in that you’re like I don’t know like my yoga studio you usually have to teach like a long time and I’m not there yet and I just challenged every single one of your limiting beliefs I was like totally I know but you could be the exception and like I know but like I feel like you could just do it right now and you would be like but I’m not ready to like you know give readings or do this and I’m like yeah but you’ve already do been
(13:28) doing it and you the thing I love about you is I do not hold back like my tough love like I can be super fiery and I give it to you straight always I’m like listen meline you’re kind of like playing small right now like listen meline I even tell you I’m like you’re too busy you need to quit some of your jobs like I just tell you what to do but the thing I love about you is you know I think it’s a little jarring sometimes when I tell you things at first but you sit with it for like a day and then
(13:54) you’ll call me and you’ll be like Kristen that was exactly what I needed to hear I quit my job or Kristen that was exactly what I need to hear I created an offer you’re right or Kristen that was exactly what I needed to hear I asked my yoga studio if I could do a workshop and you really take action on that and this is what I want you to hear guys is like one of the things that meline told me in Joshua Tree she’s like listen I’ve been doing inner work for years I’ve been journaling but I’m
(14:17) realizing that the missing piece has been the the forward movement the action like the visioning of the future I don’t need to go into my past anymore and like sit with these things I just need to take action so I don’t know what can you say about anyone who’s like sitting on their gifts and not yeah talk about action the work is messy and complicated and beautiful and needed and you have to use your own discernment for when you reach a threshold of what is the work I’m doing and how does my life look as
(14:48) someone who spent years and years and years in therapy I’ve done so many different workshops and Retreats and such I felt that my life didn’t look exactly as much work as I was doing but that’s because I was constantly on this healing cycle rather than actually putting forth my gifts to be living forward and there comes a point when you have to throw yourself in the fire and again like you said I I kept being like well maybe I’m not ready or everything I’ve asked for since then has happened
(15:21) because I am ready and when you live in this unknown energy it’s going to stay there you have to throw yourself out there before your mind totally agrees to it but that’s why it’s so important to surround yourself with people who can support you who can push you who you can say like hey mine you are ready for all of these things I think that when you’re on this journey it can feel a little chaotic when you’re in it because you don’t always have hindsight until outside of you know when you’re totally
(15:52) looking back but when you can have business mentors when you can be in a space of just like spiritual girlies that are on this path then you can get honest opinions and advice and look at things from a different perspective and that was exactly what I needed from someone who came into that Retreat being like okay I’ve done a lot of work on myself but what now to my life looks completely different just two months later besides the fact that I have pink hair I mean I’ve been an intuitive girly for a while
(16:21) now but now I’m really using my gifts to do something so Grand and it’s not even Grand in an ego way it’s it’s helping other people and it’s this ripple effect that when you step in your power you’re not only letting people step in their power and showing them what they’re capable of but then you’re just healing this greater Collective and isn’t that what we’re all trying to do is raise this Collective Consciousness to create something that’s better than what we left it and one thing that we talked a
(16:47) lot about at Joshua tree is like your initiation is their initiation too totally you know everyone kind of like at the end they were they were asking me like how did that feel for you you know it was my first time initiating in a mushroom ceremony and yeah and that was something that kept coming up during the mushroom ceremony was I would look at you and Briana and you were holding the space the Integrity of being in that room and just I mean it’s it’s seven hours of just this deep portal and deep inner work and I remember just looking
(17:23) at you two and being not only in so much awe and in so much just inspiration and love but also like damn you’re really stepping up to the plate it was absolutely initiation you were you had to hold this intense space for me to do this Soul’s work and there it’s absolutely contracts on the other side of saying like Hey we’re going to help each other out because when you level up I level up yeah and constantly I mean even in yoga everyone’s a student and a teacher always and when you can say I’m
(17:50) going to push myself you’re either coming with me or we’re staying behind and I’m grateful that I’m we’re all challenging and leveling up each day yeah and it was really beautiful to see that because like you guys were definitely all initiated into your next level whatever that looked like it all looked different for all of you but then for me it was like I was experiencing this deep deep initiation with My Soul you know I didn’t really even I think I shared this on my Joshua Tree recap but
(18:19) like I was straight channeling Source Consciousness doing light language for seven hours I’ve never done that like literally for seven hours I was creating a grid in the entire room that Source was showing me how to do and I was telling you guys like there I was like honestly guys this was the crazy exper experience for me as well this was it was initiating me while it was initiating you so and I saw you within that space do so much channeling within your own ancestors you had really call upon your grandma it was and it was
(18:52) interesting because you have such a fiery you know you show up in this world and you get so much done when you’re holding the space it was still strong but it was a really soft nurturing loving energy and I really believe that and something that I really confirmed on my mushroom ceremony was that we have so many beings and so many entities helping us out and sure this feels sometimes like a solo experience but I promise you it’s not and when you can learn to tap into those different entities those different beings whoever you resonate
(19:25) with whether it is your ancestors or it’s other beings I mean I I saw some weird in that ceremony and knowing that you’re not alone that’s that’s what’s so beautiful about this magic about spirituality is you’re seeing into this force that helps you guides you back into alignment you did I saw your sacred geometry you know this whole atmosphere is a Quantum field I mean Kristen I was familiar with the quantum field but until really being in your energy I’ve realized like the quantum field is
(19:55) everything every single thing exists out there and you have the possibility to call forth what you want and when you’re rearranging it I mean this is a side note but we had even gone to a concert and people were moving their bodies and at this concert you know you’re channeling you’re doing light language kind of in your own sphere which love that for you by the way but you would said you know people are moving their bodies and they’re they’re processing things whether that’s beautiful things
(20:20) whether it’s hard things and when you can realize that you can manipulate things in real time it’s transformational yeah I saw something recently that said like a good astrologer doesn’t just look at your birth chart it also looks at your level of Consciousness because we have this ability to know I’m a Gemini I love to talk I love all these things but the more aware I am the more I can manipulate energy in real time so we’re not stuck to just a title or description or just your human design thing those
(20:52) are helpful modalities and we have the ability to shift anything in real time yes exactly yes so the quantum field is there’s infinite possibilities in all moments right like there’s a possibility for your wealth there’s a possibility for your health there’s a possibility for you getting 10 clients right now there’s a possibil there’s every possibility and when you really learn that like I can actually just attune to the to the reality that I want to live in you know that that sounds so much
(21:19) more simple than it is because you really have to be able to hold a state that you can’t see and the 3D sometimes can be hard to imagine something different but I feel like you have been such a you’ve been getting so into the quantum and it’s really been working like when you came back from Joshua Tree I remember we went on a walk and you were like Kristen I just listened to your podcast on how to grow a spiritual coaching business and I just signed my first High ticket client like you didn’t
(21:46) work with me at all other than in Joshua Tree we didn’t have a session you literally just took what you learned from that podcast which honestly the podcast is gold so go listen to it and you literally signed a high ticket client it was wild within listening to a podcast having a conversation and a couple hours it was just like high ticket you know I’m talking like thousands of dollars came out of nowhere and and it didn’t come out of nowhere was action based off you know the podcast of doing these things but
(22:18) everything does exist in the quantum field and when you have this reminder on a daily basis I had been doing the jod spenza meditation every day since Joshua tree of sitting in the energy you realize like how far can I push this like what actually can be done and you had mentioned I really wanted to teach at this one yoga studio and the teacher was the owner wanted people who had been teaching for a long time and I auditioned and I had been hired after only teaching for a couple months and it was one of those things I’m like how did
(22:46) this happen how am I getting these possibilities why am I having these conversations and you just have to let that these things J spenza says it as your body will find it it’s you don’t have to search anywhere for it you just stumble upon it so I want to talk about this because I mean I just love teaching about Jo despenza but one of the things that has really clicked for me recently is Joe despenza always says this thing that says your body will always follow your mind and I didn’t really understand what
(23:17) that meant until like a couple a couple days ago I was actually at my birthday dinner in LA and it was like wow you your mind really tells your body where to go so for example I’m like oh I was we were talking about this at dinner because I was actually at dinner with one of my guy friends that I met in Cancun from Joe despenza and then Bri and her boyfriend and we were talking about just the concept of like your body always follows your mind and I was like I decided I wanted to come to LA and go to dinner here and I decided that in my
(23:48) mind and now my body is here like it’s actually kind of crazy like your body will always follow your mind like I’m in another city at dinner at a place that I picked out because my body followed my mind I know that’s a very simple you know example but you think about that in different ways where if you can really attune to let’s say that you in your mind you are living a life of Freedom or you’re living a life with a lot of clients or you’re living a life with more love or more friendship or whatever
(24:16) it is that you’re attuning to even if you don’t know where you’re going because your mind is so powerful your body is going to follow your mind to that reality and that’s literally what happened for you absolutely and I think once you have that awareness when doing the Dr Joe meditations he talks about aligning the chakra system and getting everything sorted so when you have that knowledge you can use this hypervigilance to turn on these energy centers which these energ energy centers are really just nerve bundles there’s
(24:48) 72,000 of these bundles they’re called nadis throughout the body and when you turn them on you have this one line of energy so it’s quite literally shooting up from the ground all the way to Source it really is and yogis have been meditating on this for thousands and thousands of years before they even cut the body open and they realize that okay there are these nerve bundles here like this is true we are meditating on it right so when you realize that like you can talk like have you ever done a meditation where you’ve
(25:18) talked to parts of your body like you can do things where you hyperfocus on your liver and your liver will talk to you or your shoulders will talk to you and so knowing that like your brain is so connected in so many ways and so it can really take you wherever it’s it’s not limited by by the 3D it’s 5D it’s 12d it’s 12d yeah I mean like wherever you place your attention is where you place your energy so you could literally place your attention like think about it like you could place your attention on a
(25:47) memory and you’re in that memory think about that like or you can place your attention on a future version of yourself and you’re in that future that’s the whole idea of Joe despenza is like you’re remembering your future which is what you did absolutely when I’ve been looking back at a memory that feels difficult or feels maybe like why did I respond in a certain way why did this go to this you can change it in the present moment for something that happened in the past so looking at a past memory let’s say you had a
(26:17) conversation you didn’t love how it went if you can sit with it and send yourself love in the present you are quite literally manipulating the quantum field time is an illusion there really is no past present it’s just this moment whether you’re right here or listening to it um listening to the podcast later and when you can send yourself love and you can surrender that maybe that conversation happened for a greater good you just things feel a lot easier and feel a lot lighter and when you feel easier and you feel lighter you’re
(26:48) attracting more of that it’s so simple when you think about it really like it’s just the energy of Love at the end of the day this whole exist istance is really just being in breathing being in love and then just feeling it I I know you talk a lot about just being human because that’s part of it too of we’re Spiritual Beings having a human experience and knowing you can shift between okay I’m feeling in my human body right now and I’m still a Creator I can still take responsibility for how
(27:21) things are unfolding and this is really my mission on Earth is like I am a Quantum girly through and through I love being a cosmic Quantum alien and I’m like very human like I I listen to normal ass music in the car like I’m listening to Oda in the chain smokers and Sabrina Carpenter like I’m I’m normal and I love that you know even you could see at the retreat it’s like that’s that’s kind of the frequency I’m on SO like that’s what I call in it’s like all these like Cosmic girlies but
(27:49) like we’re going to get down to Eminem what we were dancing to that night we’re were like dancing to Eminem that was so fun I know I want to talk about um that night we came I I was at your apartment after the walk and we opened your light language so why don’t you tell everyone what happened and again guys I just want to reiterate that when you say yes to your path your path says yes to you totally it’s like your gifts just opened more and more after that Retreat because you were taking action on your dreams
(28:19) and I’d also like to say that you have no idea how close you are to something like you have your one conversation your one experience so away from a completely different reality so there’s I’m like what is going on where am I and then literally a conversation later everything shifted it’s that easy and we talked about that at the joshh retreat like it can be that easy and that fun yeah but Kristen and I invited you over after we went for a walk and what turned into like hey let’s just walk ended up
(28:50) being like this long walk we hung out it’s just been like a long Vibe since the Joshua Tree Retreat and we were speaking a lot on light language and as someone who has spent a year really in grounded almost like Earth element energy light language was something new for me it was very Cosmic it was very Galactic and my core belief is everything is God everything is the universe whether that’s a conversation a material item a person an entity it’s all there to just bring us back to the light even things that are maybe
(29:23) difficult so of course when light language gets brought into my field I’m open to it because because it’s another modality to tap us into this frequency so remember your I remember yourid told me yeah well was and it was happening during the mushroom ceremony I’m like this is beautiful and wild and there’d be times where I felt my own energy almost like okay my energy feels intense what’s going on and then instantly you and Bri would step on in like there was this interchange energetically yeah of
(29:57) you knowing to change and shift the energy in the room well we were over at my apartment we were sitting by the pool and you had said okay mine I think you’re ready I think you’re ready to see like light language and I’m like that’s not because I think I’m ready to well I actually said I no I was like I think you’re going to be ready soon and you go I think I’m ready right now and I was like should we try to open your channel and I think for me it was one of those things that channeling has always
(30:24) just come so naturally and I don’t question it at all anymore ing from so many different beings and entities that it just seems so natural and it’s someone who loves to communicate light language is essentially you’re speaking the language of light and there’s different ways to do it but it’s so I know you’re an Angelic channel the ways that come through it’s you can sense the energy around it it’s so heart healing I feel so taken care of and so supported when I hear it so I’m like let’s give it
(30:53) a go and so instantly I’m like okay let’s just see what happens and you sitting there it was so Random because we were just by my pool no people are around like are we going to be speaking light language here and then before you know it it’s just channeling it’s coming through you it was coming through me so many of the hand gestures are coming through me and it was one of those things of like did that just come out of me I was like girl you just opened your L language congrats and you were like
(31:22) what like here we are higher self said you were ready and it’s one of those things now that I have consistently tapped into I mean I still need to learn so much more but I know that when I need more protection when I need more guidance when I feel like I want to put certain energies on the room that make it more heart- centered hit them with a light language yes exactly and for anyone who’s like new to light language light language is the sacred geometry of sound so it’s actually very Quantum so like
(31:52) the quantum field is everything is made of patterns every the entire universe is made of patterns and so the way things collapse into matter is that there’s a pattern in the field that informs matter so most people most scientists before they did all these studies they thought that matter informs the field well it actually turns out the field informs matter that’s why we can manifest we can change the pattern in the field and then something else will manifest in matter now light language is the sacred
(32:18) geometry of sound so what happens is when we speak in these patterns um we’re manipulating the field of energy like real time light language can be used to do it can be used for a lot of things but the ways that I use it is it can activate dormant DNA within you it can change the pattern in your oric field it can clear energy it can add in energy it really is like the language of the soul and if you think about like Spirits right like how do they communicate back and forth telepathy yes but they don’t
(32:49) have mouth they’re not speaking English or Russian up there they’re speaking light language because it’s the language of the Soul absolutely and in yoga they speak Sanskrit it’s the same thing of these are languages Sanskrit is not written anymore people are just speaking it it’s even channeled every language came from channeling somewhere yeah I have to say I’m sure this is a universal maybe not a universal experience but when in my mushroom trip I saw all of the sacred geometry which I think you
(33:18) had mentioned you had seen it before and when you see it in real time of everything moving in the field you can never unsee it it’s there it’s like a moment before and after you see that yes and it was for me it was green I don’t know if there was a certain color for you I don’t know if that’s how it always is for everyone but you realize how much of this world is made up of particles of energy of things are constantly moving you’re like oh this is a simulation like I can see the energy on the walls I can
(33:51) see how if I can I can manipulate that energy with my you’re like this is literally a simulation and you can’t unsee it after you’re like this is a game this is a video game it is a game and how Wild at one hand it can be a simulation a matrix a game but on the other hand it’s like this deep profound experience that cracks you open that is filled with so much on one hand Beauty and love and grace and on the other hand like pain and suffering and but it’s there to like help you evolve and grow
(34:23) as a soul I mean this is our Soul’s work right now this is what we need to do in this lifetime but it was so comforting for me and it really just reassured me that I’ve always known that there is other side after this but that this is just a moment in a very small glimpse of time there’s so much after this and I’m so looking forward to the day where I like look back at even these moments and think like wow like what a fun Human Experience and now I have other work to do but I do believe that it’s such a
(34:54) gift to be on earth and to have these moments and why wouldn’t I want to give myself the best possible chance why wouldn’t I want to give myself the best possible life and to do that you have to put yourself in situations that feel maybe a little uncomfortable but to give yourself the life that you deserve and that’s what I really learned in Joshua Tree was it gets to be so insanely rewarding yeah in so many ways but you have to be willing to detach from everything because your mission in life how you’re going to
(35:27) serve the greater Collective is so much more important than we I think realize yeah and one of the things that I’ve kind of seen you working through on your own where we talk about it sometimes but I can also just like intuitively see your soul working through it is kind of like letting go of of the path being like difficult and hard I mean there’s going to be moments where it’s going to be difficult and hard but I I’ve really seen you step into the identity of the Creator and like I don’t want to call it
(35:55) a victim cuz you’ve never been a victim but letting go of the narrative that in order to be the spiritual being you have to give up everything and it has to be hard and it has to be a life of like sacrifice and devotion so like talk about that transformation for you absolutely and I I couldn’t agree more and this has been a journey of i’ I’ve said it to you but you’re an expander in so many capacities of life can be so rich and rewarding and you can still have pleasure and luxury and all
(36:29) these nice things while being a spiritual being it doesn’t have to be one or the other and I’m someone who in this lifetime will most likely live in an asham for six months and pretend to be a monk and you can do that and still dye your hair pink and listen to Odessa there’s you don’t have to put yourself in a box boxes the Box does not do anything for you it’s another limiting belief it’s another Rule and who’s making these rules no one well and something you had said to me that’s so
(37:00) important is Joe despenser Dr Joe daddy Joe who we love and has has been so transformational if he hadn’t not only stepped in his power but said no to certain things and you know fully taken this road so much of our life wouldn’t be healed and it’s important for me to stop living in these things that aren’t serving me taking away those things and also just like having more free time is so imperative as a spiritual being because that’s in a luxury what is what is money or anything without free time
(37:33) and unless I’m basking in this in all of my areas of life then I can’t do my work as a spiritual being I can’t heal other people I can’t be an open Channel and so knowing that it doesn’t have to be hard it can be easy and beautiful I can take care of myself I can have friendships I can do all these things while doing my work and I think that that has been a big lesson and there’s ways where I see it creep up on me and you’ve been such a Guiding Light of saying like no man like you can do it all like you can have
(38:05) these nice things and seeing that really makes me think like damn I can do it all and putting the practice into work it’s uncomfortable at first and then it gets easier and easier and easier yeah and I actually want to touch on this a little if you’re open because I think that this is like a lesson that actually a lot of the alignment Academy listeners can can gain some wisdom from I am quickly interrupting this episode EP to remind you guys that if you’re a listener which clearly you are I have created a free
(38:34) meditation for all of you this meditation was built out of my rock bottom when I needed to trust the universe and release a lot of anxiety I was feeling and I didn’t know how so I learned how to trust the universe and I’m going to teach you how in this meditation it’s really practicing this feeling of being held and supported and remembering that you actually are held and supported by the universe in every single moment moment all you have to do to get this meditation is to rate and review the podcast on whatever platform
(39:04) you’re listening on and then go ahead and head over to my podcast Instagram @ alignment Academy podcast give it a follow and then message me on there with a screenshot of your rating or review whatever platform you’re listening on and I will send you the meditation okay now back to the episode matn has been out of her corporate job for what like over a year now yes literally a year on the yes on the 14th love okay so she’s been out of her corporate job but I will say that in terms of using your spiritual
(39:36) gifts like really using them to the biggest capacity you can how much percentage would you say that in in the past few months you’ve been using them 25% okay yeah so about 25% and so I had a really like heart-to-heart conversation with her because she’s my friend but I also Mentor her Mentor meline a little bit and I’m like listen meline you are wasting a lot of your energy on these smaller jobs that like don’t really matter and are not actually giving you the biggest impact that you could have in the world and I lovingly
(40:09) told her I’m like girl you wouldn’t have these gifts if you weren’t supposed to use them please stop wasting your time and your energy doing that you that doesn’t matter use your gifts you wouldn’t have them and and this is like to you guys too if you have spiritual gifts guys you need to use them the other stuff does not matter like take your mission seriously use your gifts you would not have them if you weren’t supposed to be using them I just think that sometimes we second guess if we deserve a seat at
(40:38) the table but like if you are even listening to this podcast you are an awakened being there’s things that you need to give the world help the world raise its frequency but you can’t do that sitting at a job you hate you can’t do that wasting your time you have to actually use your gifts but it takes you believing in yourself and believing that you’re worthy of using those gifts first like nobody can do that for you yes and I think that soul sucking corporate job of course was out of alignment for me
(41:07) but just because I’m working other jobs that aren’t corporate does not mean that it’s like in alignment it still was not right and my energy is still going somewhere even if it’s not behind a desk it’s somewhere else and I have to be you have to be radically honest with yourself in this process and you have to be willing to Pivot a lot and it’s for me at least it’s been a lot of trial and error but always too meeting yourself with like Grace and compassion of okay I’m doing the best and I can do better
(41:37) because I am a spiritual being and using my gifts only 25% that’s not serving me that’s not serving my highest purpose and I made this pack at the mushroom retreat with me and my Creator this energy that I believe in that I am so dedicated to how I can serve and how I can serve is by using my voice I believe that when you are a conduit you get rewarded when you speak or and it might not even be speaking whatever your gifts are but when you act on it the universe is saying like Okay things are going to
(42:11) work out for you because you’re living in alignment that’s why when you have a soul job it feels so uncomfortable because you have to feel you have to feel so bad so that you finally make a change and in that sense of course I’m grateful for it because I can I know what that feels like and I know what it feels like to feel on a cellular level this is right and that is priceless to know when you’re living in alignment and to have so much reassurance that like okay this is for me but then you have to step up it’s
(42:46) this dance of cosmic dance of saying universe is giving you signs it’s giving you opportunities it’s giving you people and then you got to act on it and that’s been my biggest lesson this past couple months from Joshua tree is how things are unfolding is taking action and then saying okay that didn’t work how am I going to move forward it’s been a wild journey in two months really oh I love it well I want to talk about you know meline aside from like doing all the soul growth like who she is before even
(43:18) she you know like who she is at her core is a very magical being like I love being in your energy meline and I remember you actually changed my life a lot in Joshua Tree like just as much as I’ve changed yours you changed mine as well like there was this moment where you know you guys have seen like my life has just really been crazy for the last like year of my life like I’m just always doing something and I’ve realized in Joshua Tree because of something that you said like how not present I was and
(43:43) I’ve been so present since this moment I think it was one of the last mornings that we were all together and everyone was up there was a few of us that were up early and I remember me you and Rose were sitting in the living room and Rose was reading a book and you were journaling and I was working on my laptop we were all sipping our coffee and there was like John Mayer playing in the background and you just look up and you were like this is such a perfect moment and you were like can we just take a moment to appreciate this moment
(44:13) and you’re so good at gratitude you’re so good at expressing gratitude in the moments and I just remember like being like a little bit like my ego was like huh like what do you mean this is a perfect moment but then I like really took a moment to sit in the moment and I was like oh my god this is my dream moment like being in a house with beautiful woman working on themselves we all just did mushrooms and we’re tapped into Sour’s Consciousness and we’re listening to music it’s the morning the
(44:42) sun is like coming in through the windows and you know it was just such a beautiful moment and you you were so good at just savoring every moment on that trip and just saying it out loud being like I really love this moment and I just want you to talk about gratitude and synchronicities for second because you are really good at just I don’t know being present in your life I I know that sounds like weird but that’s what you’re really good at thank you first off I received that with love and it was such
(45:09) a beautiful moment I think that gratitude is not only the biggest superpower in the world it’s the best way to bring you back to the present moment and also I think we take for granted so often like how good things really are right now I’m in a safe home I have clothes on my back I’m talking to a dear friend that alone is so beautiful and I think that so much of The Human Experience is about soaking it in like it’s it’s savoring these things that feel so good the more you can Express gratitude the more you’re inviting
(45:43) positive things into your life sure when something goes wrong it can feel super uncomfortable or chaotic and it could have gone worse in some ways and that’s not to bypass your feelings it’s to say like okay let’s take a moment I’m still breathing the sun is still shining and when you can redirect your energy you’re training your brain to look at the good your brain loves evidence constantly so when every single day when I open my eyes and I say okay three things I’m grateful for or three things I love
(46:15) about myself immediately my brain is training to look for those things so I’m going to seek them out so when I am in a moment that feels so good which happens all the time like this moment in itself feels so good so good it makes me feel so supported I almost can have like tears in my eyes just right now like this is my life how cool is that how how amazing and incredible that I have an opportunity to even exist and to feel and be in my skin being present is it’s sometimes really hard don’t get me wrong there’s times
(46:53) where my I’m ruminating on the past I’m what’s to come the future and I really do believe that this is the only time that exists and your future will be created in this moment it’s not going to happen tomorrow when you’re journaling it’s not going to happen when you have an interview next month it’s happening right now those moments will come and when you listen to powerful spiritual teachers I mean eart toley for example his whole book is about the present when you’re fully engulfed in the present
(47:26) everything is going to to work out if you’re saying okay well I don’t know how I’m going to pay my pay my bills that is a problem quote unquote problem for the future and when that future moment comes if you’re fully in the present 100% you will have the answer I like this came to me at one time in a a mushroom ceremony it’s when I don’t know the answer to something just prepare yourself so that you’re ready for when the answer comes the answer is going to come no matter what whether it’s yes or no but just
(47:58) prepare yourself and preparing yourself means sinking more into the moment taking care of yourself like eating food like nourishing your body because everything exists right now so wherever you are if you’re listening or Kristen I’m just myself just like taking a deep breath and being like we’re in it we’re here baby and like this moment is actually perfect like maybe your ego that’s telling you it’s not but this moment is literally Perfection you have every need met in this moment you do
(48:29) whether you think so or not if you’re listening to this podcast you have all your needs met right yes and it’s like we’re so naturally abundant in this moment if you take the time to see it I would like to talk on the idea of like everything is perfect and I can understand that that might be triggering for someone who’s maybe going through something really tough or you’re thinking like how could this be perfect my personal story is I’ve struggled with really intense mental health my early
(48:56) 20s and I truly believe to my core everything is perfect this idea of things have to be good or bad everything The Human Experience is perfect because it’s teaching you something and that can be hard to hear sometimes but your darkest moments are leading you to your brightest moments I have this great capacity unreal amount of feelings towards gratitude towards love I can see a moment and like my whole body is like this is amazing but that’s also because I’ve allowed myself to break apart to grieve to cry to be a mess and without
(49:37) shaming yourself and just saying like I’m in the thick of it you can feel both ends of the spectrum when you allow yourself to feel all your feels you have a greater capacity for everything something that hit me in the mushroom ceremony was looking back at times where I thought I was making the wrong decision there is is no wrong decision the universe supports you in every way you go and knowing that okay I wasn’t ready for whatever I wanted then like I feel ready for this now and I learn those lessons so maybe just maybe
(50:10) I’m exactly where I meant to be maybe it really is perfect like it can be perfect all of it and when you start looking at things through this lens and this Frame of like it is perfect it just becomes more beautiful oh thank you for feel there no girl I’m like keep going girl it was amazing and and yeah it’s so hard to see when you’re moving forward but in retrospect you’re like oh my gosh that was actually insanely synchronistic and perfect I couldn’t see it but sometimes when we’re going through something
(50:43) really hard we are like how would it be perfect if it feels like this but the Soul’s Soul wants Adventure the soul wants expansion the soul wants growth that’s all it wants it doesn’t want only good experiences nothing grows there if you were always happy like you would never You’ kind of get bored which is what source did it got bored and it wanted to experience more perspectives right like the soul is ready for an adventure and you know I’m going to tell the story you know Friday was my
(51:11) birthday and me and Bri were taking a long walk uh just in PB in in San Diego we’re walking on the boardwalk and um I was reflecting she was like how’s your birthday going so far and I was reflecting on like how hard my birthday was last year cuz I was going through my rock bottom and and I was like you know it’s going really good and I I told her I was like lowkey losing yourself and going through a rock bottom and finding yourself I was like it’s kind of fun I was like I see why we do it I was like
(51:41) going into the darkness to find the light again it’s lowkey fun and I was like I would hate myself if like heard myself you know a year ago saying that that was i’ be so offended I would be so offended I’d be like this is not fun Kristen like this hurts more than anything in the world but now seeing who I’ve become the business I built on the other side like literally being so confident in myself I’m like that was kind of fun I get why Source wants to do it over and over and over again and so
(52:09) what I want to say for anyone who is going through a really hard time right now if you can’t see the beauty in it it’s just not over yet that’s what I learned in my last mushroom trip like when it’s over you’re going to be like every minute of that hard trip was perfect it was exactly what I needed it just you got to wait till it’s over to see the whole picture to see how the story ends absolutely and I will say again this might be hard if you’re going through it but having these problems or
(52:37) having these moments that feel so painful are almost I feel bad saying almost like a privilege in this lifetime because you’re learning so much you don’t learn when like everything’s good like you’re just cruising you’re enjoying it which is great amazing and you learn so much I heard someone and say like what a shame would be if you only had one problem in your life because every time you have a problem you learn from it and you grow and that’s not to get stuck in this problem cycle but just knowing if
(53:07) you’re going through a hard stuff it’s because you’re evolving it’s because your soul has some serious stuff to learn and grow and you’re going to come out on the other side so much more like better evolved just feeling whole and complete I love that so much I feel like that’s like a perfect place to kind of put a pin in it else mine is there anything else that you want to talk about that we didn’t yes I would love just to touch really quick on synchronicities because that has been
(53:34) something so big on this path of alignment when you are out at least for my experience when I’m out of alignment I don’t see any synchronicities when you start to be in alignment there come shooting in and synchronicities for me work in so many ways I’ll ask my angels guides Source ancestors anyone to send certain things it can be an animal it can be a phrase it can be even a feeling or conversation and then will come in the most unknown ways and I’m telling you I’ve had some crazy synchronicities
(54:07) in my life you always have crazy synchronicities I do they pop up left and right but to me it’s just confirmation and they all started with me with angel numbers which I think is a very easy thing to see and license plates or telephone numbers and from there they can just grow and evolve and get more complex but if you feel like you’re not getting synchronicities or you don’t know how to work with them like you can always ask for synchronicities and you say I need to see this I need to see a tiger in the
(54:33) next 24 hours and it’s going to hit me in an unexpected way and then you have to fully surrender and it will show up you just have to look for it you have to be open for so many different possibilities and I think it’s a magical way to put yourself in alignment of like little breadcrumbs of how you’re going to move through this world something you taught me too cuz I was telling you a couple weeks ago I was like yeah I don’t actually see that many signs like not as many as you cuz you see them like every
(54:58) single moment like you’re like oh my God like this is a crazy synchronicity I’m like how do you see them but one of the things that I started doing with you that’s been helping is I acknowledge them like when I see it I try to tell someone now I’m like oh my God guess what I just saw or like oh my gosh like even on um my last podcast with Neil it was funny because you know how I’ve been using the sign of an owl which I actually created with you he was talking about asking for signs he’s like so for
(55:21) example if you ask for an owl and I’m like Neil my sign is an owl and I told so it was like been trying to like acknowledge them more and I’ve been realizing that I see them more now that I’m acknowledging them totally and you can even use them for like big like I’ve made I’ve made some pretty big life decisions off synchronicities being like should I for example it was like keeping one of my grandma’s pieces of jewelry when she passed away and I was like do I keep this ruby red ring and I asked for
(55:48) a specific sign and there it was these ruby red high heels like on the ground on the sidewalk that were exactly my size and so I’m like okay I’ll keep these this piece of jewelry and so knowing that you can ask for things of how you move through life it can be so magical and also Kristen owls are so so transformational like you’re going through like a huge up level that’s amazing I know I know I am I feel it I feel it love always lot going on always okay meline well thank you for sharing your magic with alignment
(56:24) Academy this was just such a fun podcast where we just got to like hang out as friends and chat about the growth that’s been present in your life the last 4 months or 3 months or however long it’s been I feel like it hasn’t even been that long where can our audience find you where can they book a reading with you tell us like what you’re currently offering and I’ll put everything in the show notes as well for everyone amazing thank you so much for having me first and foremost um before I even share
(56:49) about myself if you haven’t booked a session with Kristen please do so I my life has been so transformational in these past couple months and it’s been so much due to your work it’s insane so thank you so much if you like to book an energy session with me you can do it via Instagram it’s justmine soie which you can send to and then as well as I teach yoga in San Diego if you’d like to come on by I do tarot readings intuitive energy sessions channeling pretty much anything and everything spirituality you
(57:19) can do astrology human design all of that as well as Costa Rica I’ll be coming to the cosmic CEO treat teaching yoga and workshops I am so so stoked so see you in Costa Rica and may maybe y you of course well yeah and a lot of my listeners I think they’re on the verge coming be so so sick I’m so excited we’re doing Daddy Joe meditations in the morning cold plunge which we did also in Joshua Tree and we’re gonna be having workshops on spirituality business um like all the things I’m so pumped and
(57:56) meline will be there I’m so excited and yeah guys if you want like a mediumship reading a psychic reading mine’s really good she kind of like Blends all of her intuitive abilities with tarot mediumship psychic abilities to like give really amazing readings and she’s given me a few and their fire so highly recommend working with meline as well thank you guys for another amazing episode and we’ll see you next week bye thanks Kristen

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