This Site Is A Special Thank You & Introduction To Some Outstanding Men & Women!

"Your story should not be your fortress but rather your fuel." - Lisa Nichols
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson
Dreams grow if you grow. Zig Ziglar
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Nelson Mandela
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." -Tony Robbins
"Love the life you live. Live the life you love." -Bob Marley
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -Helen Keller
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Teresa
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Buddha
Stay hungry, stay foolish. Steve Jobs
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
Some people do really find fault like there's a reward for it. Zig Ziglar
It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela
Turn your wounds into wisdom. Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you are, be a good one. Abraham Lincoln
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt
Little by little, one travels far. J.R.R. Tolkien
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. Malcolm X
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
I think, therefore I am. René Descartes
To be, or not to be, that is the question. William Shakespeare
A lot of people quit looking for work as soon as they find a job. Zig Ziglar
Live life like your the hero in the story.
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The Best David Goggins Speach Ever

David Has Grown So Much As A Great Speaker!

This has to be my Favorite Goggins Yet

David Goggins: Mastering Self-Talk and Visualization

David Goggins, renowned for his motivational prowess, underscores the pivotal role of self-talk and visualization in achieving success. Reflecting on his own experiences, Goggins elucidates how he transformed adversity into motivation during grueling physical trials, such as enduring intense pain during a 19-mile run. Rather than succumbing to negativity, he channeled his suffering into a relentless drive to persevere.

Harnessing Adversity for Motivation

Goggins urges individuals to leverage past hardships as sources of motivation, emphasizing the transformative power of a resilient mindset. Despite enduring a tumultuous upbringing marked by trauma and setbacks, he turned his struggles into stepping stones towards personal growth and achievement.

Resisting the Temptation of Self-Pity

A core theme in Goggins’ message is the danger of self-pity, which he warns can hinder progress and breed a cycle of failure. He advocates for humility and resilience, emphasizing the importance of embracing challenges and menial tasks as opportunities for self-improvement.

Lessons in Humility and Service

Drawing inspiration from individuals like Master Sergeant William Crawford, Goggins highlights the profound strength found in humility and service. He champions a mindset of “trained humility,” which fosters continuous growth and learning throughout life’s journey. Through his insights, Goggins inspires individuals to cultivate inner strength and perseverance in the face of adversity, ultimately empowering them to realize their full potential.

Video Transcript:

the day you stop evaluating yourself the day you stop growing the day you stop getting better is the day you die is the day the person who’s trying to catch you will cat you life and winning is a bunch of Sprints within a marathon bunch of Sprints with within a marathon and you can’t see the end line like in a marathon you know where the end line is and winning that win that race may have an end line but there’s another start line right after people that are really driven and this is just this is not
about money and this isn’t about Fame this is about you could be winning as a school teacher you can be winning as an entrepreneur you could be winning in business you can be winning as an athlete it’s that every single time you sprint to that finish line there’s another start line that’s coming it’s why it never ends it’s a marathon that just keeps going going and going we all think about quitting it’s hard to process information during pain because that pain takes over and you can’t think rationally you’re thinking
about fight ORF flight save yourself that’s not a rational thought it’s not a thought that’s going to get you through hard times most people fail that one second in that one second I start thinking logically I my brain down cuz your brain just wants to get out it’s about gaining control of your mind putting things back in the proper perspective and then saying I really do want to be here and I’m going to have a bunch of these 1 seconds and I have to learn to control these cuz if I fail one of these one
seconds I will not be a seal I will not be a doctor I will not be a lawyer I will not be whatever the [ __ ] it is it’s all about your mind takes control of you you have to say you I run this mother you want to be the best do you know what it means to be the best then you have to continually work on your craft you have to constant work on your craft you can’t just stay complacent you can’t be comfortable you got to get uncomfortable you got to go after it going after it every single day of your life is so important right now
setting yourself back because you’re afraid because you don’t understand there’s a lot of things that none of us understand but that doesn’t mean you stop sometimes you got to learn as you go you got to make the sacrifices every single day of your life stop depending on other people stop depending on your excuses stop setting yourself back instead of setting yourself up and leveling up and get to where you got to go in your life so I’m here to tell you that it will take longer it will be more
difficult it will require more effort on your part but you know what I can tell you about that when you do the hard things you will have a happy and easy life but if you constantly choose to take the path of easy and negotiate and compromise you will have a hard life a hard life that ends with regret I don’t think that it’s optional for us to sit on what we have see if you’re sitting on what you have what you’ve been given I think everybody’s been given something to bring to the planet that only you can do
that only you can perform that only you can initiate that activity and if you don’t do that if you’re not filling in your life with your life work or your mission then there are gaps in your life and what we do when we’re not living out our true identity we begin to feel the gaps we fill the holes with garbage that’s the fear the fear is never Reaching Your Potential it always falling short always quitting before you’re done always procrastinating always not doing the right thing and then one day you’re an old man and you
look back go God I could have been great so I say take ownership take extreme ownership don’t make excuses don’t blame any other person or any other thing get control of your ego don’t hide your delicate Pride from the truth take ownership of everything in your world the good and the bad take ownership of your mistakes take ownership of your shortfalls take ownership of your problems and then take ownership of the solutions that will get those problems solved people don’t burn out people don’t quit people don’t underachieve
people don’t settle because of what they do people burn out people quit people underachieve and people settle because life makes them for get why they do it if we respect it the way we say we respect it if we love it the way we say we love it if we cherish it the way we say we cherish it every single day should be nothing less than excellent you might not always be your best but you can always bring me your best if you could be in control of your decisions and your actions 100% of the time what could you not accomplish and how could
you be held back successful winning is not convenient success in winning is not comfortable success and winning in in life is going to be a daily task for you always keep going and always stay focused cuz that’s that’s the mentality that you have to have is that it’s never finished it is never finished your life won’t change unless you change you were put on this Earth to do great things I strongly believe that all of us were put here to uplift ourselves and others and experience joy every single
day of Our Lives I think many of us have gotten distracted by the many perceived problems of the world and in doing so we have taken our Focus away from the positive possibilities we can’t discover solutions by focusing on problems and so it comes down to one thing we must choose to direct our energy towards positive outcomes it’s the only way to create positive results as you gain new experiences and continue to focus on improving yourself you will slowly evolve into a greater version of yourself however this process never
stops there is no end to your growth it is important to avoid viewing your efforts as a means to an end because that will make it very difficult for you to enjoy the process called life having a destination in mind is very important but try to see that destination as a stepping stone rather than a a final destination the good news is that life does get easier as long as you continually force yourself to improve there will come a time when it will seem as if your efforts have culminated to a final resting place that I like to call
self-reliance Alliance but it is actually just the place where things become effortless and every moment becomes a joy this is a state that I have been referring to as extreme confidence it is not a cocky arrogant way of being but rather a state of needing nothing this is what we all desire whether we consciously know it or not self-reliance is something achieved by very few but it is the mark of true confidence a self-reliant person does not feel the need to impress others with his or her achievements or knowledge a
self-reliant person feels whole and complete and does things for no other reason than wanting to do them selfreliance could be described as a lack of ego this doesn’t imply that a self-reliant person is completely enlightened although they might be but rather goes to explain La that they have reached a point where they are at peace with themselves this is what most of us really want when you realize that each area of your life affects each and every other area of your life you will feel impowered and motivated to take more
action even the smallest Improvement in one area of your life will improve other areas of your life that seem totally unrelated for example the food you put in your body affects the chemistry of your brain and makes you feel happier and more energetic an increase in mood and energy can potentially benefit your social life because you will act more outgoing and enthusiastic people will want to be around you more because of your positive energy which could potentially lead to a career opportunity of some sort which in turn benefits your
financial situation which in turn makes you even happier and more positive which leads you to make even better choices one simple decision can change your life life forever ultimately you are the creator of your own reality decisions we make them every day and with every decision we make good or bad our lives are defined just a little more because decisions ultimately shape our destiny knowing this why do some of us continue to make questionable decisions it might seem like the proverbial angel and devil on each shoulder who want to sway you in
one direction or the other every decision we make is dependent on our values we make decisions that lean toward pleasure we also make decisions that move us away from things we’ve determined are not as pleasurable the need to avoid pain and seek pleasure drives everything we do people will do more to avoid pain than they will do to gain pleasure what lengths will we go to it all depends on our standards and our focus better decision making begins with self-awareness the ability to identify and express our emotions and thoughts
learning what drives our decisions is the first step toward total control of our emotions and lives there are three surprising factors that drive all the decisions we make what you focus on you feel and it’s what drives decision-making like nothing else can will you make decisions out of fear or out of positivity hope and love will you focus on on the past and let it Define you or will you let it go every moment of Our Lives we’re answering three crucial questions the first question is what are you going to focus on do you focus on
what you can control or what you can’t control to engage in better decision making we must shift our Focus to what we can control do you focus more on things from the past present or future to enjoy the the moment and build an extraordinary future you must balance between present and future but let go of the past the second question is what meaning will you give to this experience is this the end or the beginning is this a punishment or a gift meaning is everything and it defines the third question what am I going to do
with this experience if you think think you’re being punished you’re going to react in a different way than if you’re seeing it as a gift you are the architect of your life and the way you choose to experience that life is what drives your decisions many people think that what drives decision making is a matter of self-control but Studies have shown that self-control is either hardwired or it’s not and it can be depleted therefore self-control is not as reliable as our standards higher standards lead to
better decision making raise your standards or make a shift in your beliefs and values and then you will make the right choices when you have a decision whether it’s straightforward or complicated you often know what the correct choice is but what option do you choose the difference between two people who make opposite decisions in any given scenario is their own standards to write that report grab that cookie or not it’s all dependent on how high your standards are ultimately what drives decision-making is also linked to the
level of hunger you have Achievers those people who are determined to succeed have a hunger for success and as such will make better decisions because their standards are so high it’s not self-control it’s their high standards that push them forward achiev use failure to push through instead of letting it push them down someone on the other end of the spectrum might blame their failures on lack of self-control but they don’t have the hunger or the high level of values to push through however these values can be learned
raising your standards values or beliefs is not as hard as it may seem did you ever think about where your values come from they come from other people it’s said that we take a little piece of everyone we have in our lives you decided to keep the values and standards of various people you like unconsciously modeling them and rejecting the values you didn’t like decision shape Destiny and right now you may have a set of standards that isn’t working for you you can change them by consciously evaluating what drives your decisions
keeping what works and getting rid of what doesn’t

David Goggins: Tony Ferguson Training

Tony Ferguson’s Training with David Goggins: A New Hope for UFC 296?


Tony Ferguson, the former UFC interim lightweight champion, is looking to end his six-fight losing streak when he faces Paddy Pimblett at UFC 296 on December 16. To prepare for this crucial fight, Ferguson has enlisted the help of David Goggins, a retired Navy SEAL, motivational speaker, and endurance athlete.

Who is David Goggins?

Goggins is known for his extreme workouts and mental toughness, having completed several ultra-marathons, triathlons, and other feats of physical endurance. He has also written a best-selling book, “Can’t Hurt Me”, where he shares his life story and his philosophy of overcoming challenges and pushing beyond limits.

What are they doing?

Ferguson has been training with Goggins for several weeks, and has posted videos of their sessions on social media. The videos show them doing intense cardio exercises, such as running, biking, and rowing, as well as Goggins’ notorious “Hell Week”, which consists of seven days of non-stop physical and mental challenges.

Why are they doing it?

Ferguson has praised Goggins for his coaching and inspiration, and has said that he is ready to face Pimblett, who is a rising star in the UFC with a four-fight winning streak. Ferguson has also said that he is not worried about his age, 39, or his recent losses, and that he still has the fire and the skills to compete at the highest level.

What are the pros and cons?

However, not everyone is convinced that training with Goggins is the best strategy for Ferguson. Some critics, such as former UFC champion Daniel Cormier and Pimblett himself, have questioned the relevance and effectiveness of Goggins’ methods for MMA. They have argued that Ferguson should focus more on his fighting fundamentals, such as striking, grappling, and defense, rather than on his cardio and endurance.

They have also suggested that Ferguson might be overtraining and exhausting himself, which could affect his performance and recovery. They have pointed out that Ferguson’s main problem is not his lack of fitness, but his decline in speed, power, and accuracy, which have been exposed by his recent opponents.

Joe Rogan, the UFC commentator and podcast host, has offered a more balanced perspective on Ferguson’s training with Goggins. He has acknowledged that there are some potential benefits to working with Goggins, such as improving his endurance, mental toughness, and confidence. He has also said that Goggins could help Ferguson find his motivation and passion for fighting again, which might have been diminished by his losses.

However, Rogan has also cautioned that training with Goggins is not a guarantee of success, and that Ferguson still needs to work on his technical and tactical aspects of MMA. He has said that Ferguson needs to adapt and evolve his style, and to avoid taking unnecessary damage in his fights. He has also said that Pimblett is a dangerous opponent, who is younger, faster, and more versatile than Ferguson.


Ultimately, the outcome of the fight between Ferguson and Pimblett will depend on many factors, such as their preparation, game plan, execution, and luck. Training with Goggins might give Ferguson an edge, or it might backfire. The only way to find out is to watch the fight at UFC 296, which promises to be an exciting and unpredictable clash of styles and personalities.

David Goggins

Do the things you hate to do, on the other side is greatness!

David Goggins is a driven person with a story that you should hear.  David is a Navy Seal, warrior, and elite athlete.  If your fire has burned out, let this be your prescription.  I recommend two shots of David Goggins every day, no days off, and pack that with some Mulligan Brothers and several long walks.

Discover David Goggins Many Acheivements:

David Goggins is a retired Navy SEAL, ultramarathon runner, cyclist, triathlete, speaker and author. He is known for his remarkable achievements in sport, military and personal development. He has overcome many challenges in his life, from poverty and abuse to racism and health issues. He is the author of two best-selling books, Can’t Hurt Me and Never Finished, where he shares his philosophy of mastering the mind and defying the odds.

Early life and education

  • Goggins was born on February 17, 1975, in Buffalo, New York, to Trunnis and Jackie Goggins.
  • He had a difficult childhood, suffering from abuse, neglect, racism and learning disabilities.
  • He moved to Brazil, Indiana, with his mother and brother when he was eight years old, escaping from his violent father.
  • He attended a small Catholic school, where he faced discrimination and bullying.
  • He struggled academically, but developed a passion for basketball.
  • He graduated from Northview High School in 1994.

Military career

  • Goggins joined the Air Force after high school, hoping to become a pararescueman.
  • He failed the entrance exam twice, and was eventually assigned to a support role as a Tactical Air Control Party member.
  • He served in the Air Force from 1994 to 1999, completing tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.
  • He left the Air Force and worked as a pest control technician, gaining weight and becoming depressed.
  • He decided to join the Navy SEALs after watching a documentary about their training.
  • He lost over 100 pounds in three months to meet the weight requirement for the SEALs.
  • He endured three attempts at the Basic Underwater Demolition/SEAL (BUD/S) training, suffering from pneumonia, stress fractures and a heart defect.
  • He graduated from BUD/S in 2001, becoming one of the few African Americans to do so.
  • He served in the SEALs from 2001 to 2015, completing several deployments and missions, including Operation Red Wings and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
  • He also completed the Army Ranger School and the Air Force Tactical Air Controller training, becoming the only person in history to do so.
  • He retired from the Navy as a chief petty officer in 2015.

Athletic achievements

  • Goggins started running in 2005, after learning about the death of his friend and fellow SEAL, Marcus Luttrell, in Afghanistan.
  • He ran his first ultramarathon, the San Diego One Day, in 2005, with no prior training or experience, to raise money for the Special Operations Warrior Foundation.
  • He qualified for the Badwater 135, considered the world’s toughest foot race, in 2006, placing fifth in his first attempt.
  • He has competed in more than 70 endurance events, including ultramarathons, triathlons, cycling races and mountain climbing.
  • He has set several records and won numerous awards, such as:
    • The Guinness World Record for the most pull-ups in 24 hours, completing 4,030 in 17 hours, in 2013.
    • The course record for the HURT 100, a 100-mile trail race in Hawaii, finishing in 19 hours and 20 minutes, in 2012.
    • The third place in the Ultraman World Championships, a three-day, 320-mile triathlon, in 2008.
    • The first place in the 48-Hour National Championship, a race to cover the most distance in 48 hours, covering 203.5 miles, in 2007.

Books and motivational speaking

  • Goggins published his first book, Can’t Hurt Me, in 2018, a memoir and self-help guide that chronicles his life story and reveals his methods for overcoming obstacles and achieving goals.
  • The book became a New York Times bestseller, selling over 5 million copies, and received critical acclaim and positive reviews from readers and celebrities.
  • Goggins published his second book, Never Finished, in 2022, a sequel and expansion of his first book, that delves deeper into his philosophy and strategies for mastering the mind and winning the war within.
  • The book also became a New York Times bestseller, and received praise and endorsements from influential figures and experts.
  • Goggins is a sought-after public speaker, who has traveled the world sharing his message and inspiring audiences of all sizes and backgrounds.
  • He has spoken at corporate events, conferences, schools, podcasts, TV shows and documentaries, such as:
    • The Joe Rogan Experience, one of the most popular podcasts in the world, where he has appeared four times.
    • The Jesse Itzler Show, a TV show hosted by his friend and former roommate, Jesse Itzler, a billionaire entrepreneur and author.
    • Living with a SEAL, a book by Jesse Itzler, that documents his experience of inviting Goggins to live with him and train him for a month.
    • The Unbeatable Mind Podcast, a podcast hosted by Mark Divine, a former Navy SEAL and founder of SEALFIT, a fitness and leadership program.
    • The Rich Roll Podcast, a podcast hosted by Rich Roll, a vegan ultra-endurance athlete and author.
    • The Tim Ferriss Show, a podcast hosted by Tim Ferriss, a bestselling author and entrepreneur.

Personal life and future plans

  • Goggins lives in Nashville, Tennessee, with his wife, Aleeza Goggins, a nurse and his former crew chief.
  • He has a son, Jaden, from a previous relationship.
  • He works as an emergency medical technician and a wildland firefighter, in addition to his speaking and writing career.
  • He continues to train and compete in endurance events, as well as challenge himself with new goals and projects.
  • He plans to write more books, create more content and programs, and reach more people with his message and mission.
  • He also supports various causes and charities, such as the Special Operations Warrior Foundation, the Navy SEAL Foundation, the Wounded Warrior Project, and the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.

Video Transcript:

of Law of Attraction and momentum is what makes a thought that you might be thinking in this moment become a stronger thought that is harder to stop thinking I know how that works so if you can catch it in the early several stages when you first wake up in the morning there’s far less momentum of any thought wanted or unwanted and so if you wake up in the morning you acknowledge this is going to be a good day and I’m going to agree with Source more today than I ever have before and I’m going to try to look at the World Through The Eyes of source a little bit more today and I’m going to look for things to feel good about and I’m going to feel better today than I usually do and I love feeling good and I love the feeling of clarity that comes from feeling good and I love the feeling of Vitality that comes from feeling good too and I love the reflection that I get back from others when I’m feeling good and I love how doors seem to open for me more when I’m feeling good and it was just stay in that General place where you’re just acknowledging that you want to feel good and then watch how far you get into the day feeling good and then do it again tomorrow and then do it again tomorrow and then do it again tomorrow and then do it again tomorrow and before you know it really in a short period of time you will have adjusted your set point about you you will have changed your belief about you you will have modified your belief to be like the belief that Source has about you and then people will say instead of why aren’t you where you want to be they’ll say why are things always working out for you why do things seem so easy for you and the answer is I don’t know I just tuned into that I just wanted to feel better and so I looked for things that felt better and I focused more on things that felt better and after a little while I stopped feeling the way that I was feeling before if a train’s going 80 miles an hour that way and you want it to go 80 miles an hour that way you don’t want it to stop all at once and go the other way it would be really hard on what’s inside the train and it’s true of you too you don’t need to change this all at once you just want to one experience at a time acknowledge how Source feels about you in that situation so for example let’s say you are at work let’s say you are on your way to work do you ever go to work I work at home so let’s say that you are settling in to do some work what does that look like I have a big garage I’m a mechanic and I buy motorcycles so is that fun it’s real fun are you a good mechanic no nothing in to do some work what does that look like I have a big garage I’m a mechanic and I build motorcycles so is that fun it’s real fun are you a good mechanic no but I have fun so since you said no why did you say no because I compare myself to people who are really good and and have a lot more experience in myself and the amount of mistakes I do and all of that sort of stuff so as you make a mistake I throw things so let’s sort through this let’s say that you’ve awakened and you’re going to spend how many hours this day doing this thing that you’re not very good at [Music] pins how early I do a mistake so where do you get the machines that you work on do they belong to you or are unsuspecting foolish people bringing them to you for repair   so when someone brings something in do you sometimes say I’ve done that before I believe I can successfully do that does that ever happen to you are you getting any better oh yeah I’m getting beautiful and lots of people think I’m a good mechanic so it’s just me who who thinks I’m a bad mechanic problem do you ever have the experience where as you’re beginning to offer some action that you remember offering that action before and not getting the results that you wanted do you ever feel just the slightest bit intuitive about what you’re doing I’d get that as well yeah because there’s something that we’re going to give you here that is the reason for your anger we want you to know oh there are two there are more but there are specifically two really specific really Adept mechanics who from a non-physical point of view are guiding you are you ever aware of that   and the reason that you get so frustrated is because you’re not in the receptive mode and you can’t quite hear them your frustration is not because you’re a lousy mechanic your frustration is because the ability to be brilliant is right there and you’re not tuning into it and that is the reason for your frustration it’s not about what you’re doing with your tools yes and no one here is throwing anything even when you’re not in the receptive mode just keep nudging and giving you the impulse and knowing and knowing and knowing and knowing in other words if you’ll just chill out just a little bit those thoughts about what to do next not about how to get it done all at once about what to do incrementally next incremental steps because you know what there’s nothing that someone who was a really good mechanic while they were physically focused who is now non-physically focused there’s nothing that that non-physical mechanic loves more than being able to flow through the hands of someone willing to receive   of emotion every single time is about blocking what you’re asking for that’s why the tug of war is there that’s why you’re so down on yourself but you see you don’t need to be down on yourself because those mechanics are mechanicing through you they are they’ll give you the impulse they’ll give you the Insight they’ll give you the procedure they are giving you the what comes first and what comes second and what comes third and what comes next they’ll help you calibrate Motors in a way that you’ve never done it before they’ll give you the ability to hear they’ll help you tune to the sound of the engine in other words this is creation at its best ER watches sometimes on one of her properties because there often is a big cherry picker working on a roof somewhere or a back hole that is digging a hole somewhere she has a lot going on in a lot of different places and she loves watching those men on those big machines making the machine do exactly what they wanted to do as if it is an extension of their own fingers and that’s what we want you to feel we want you to feel yourself an extension of brilliant infinite intelligence focused toward any subject of your personal desire   and so it turns out that the only reason that any of you are ever ever ever down on yourself is because you’re not letting yourself really be yourself you’re not letting yourself be the performer the receiver and the performer of the inspiration that your desire has queued up for you but it can change tomorrow and it will the next time you’re in the shop you’ll feel a difference I feel a difference promise absolute absolute absolute and when you feel frustration know what it means I’m just not letting it in there’s guidance there that I can’t hear and the reason I can’t hear it is because I’m beating the drum I’m not very good at this I’m not very good at this when the truth of it is you’re brilliant at this at times and you know it sometimes something just occurs to you and you try it and it works and you go oh what a lucky thing that was no it wasn’t a lucky thing it was inspiration received by you you see so does this make you feel like a puppet on a string we don’t want it to we don’t want it to make you feel like a puppet on a string because you are the one that mixed it all up and asked for this you’re the one that opened the garage and put the shingle out saying that this is what I do you are the one that invites people over with their machines you’re the one that lets their desires dovetail with yours you’re the one that’s summoning this energy you’re the one that’s summoning this Brilliance you’re the one that has it right there your fingertips now you got to be the one who lets it in and it’s always the process how good it is that you know you’re not good because when you become good you’re going to feel the relief of not being bad in other words each time it gets a little better you’re going to feel a little more relief each time you hear a little more each time you have that tool in your hand and you apply it with more Precision each time the inspiration flows to you and you know what to do each time that happens That’s The Sweet Spot it’s not fixing the thing it’s not fixing it that’s the condition that we aren’t interested in you caring about we want you to enjoy the feeling of coming into your own we want you to feel what it feels like to pick up that tool and know it’s exactly the right one to walk over there we want you to Revel in that feeling of confidence we want you to approach that machine with that knowledge that is flowing through you and we want you to acknowledge that you’ve got something going on here that’s good we want you to Revel we want it to be fun for you you’re right on track when that when you say I’m doing it for the fun I’m doing it for the fun I’m doing it for the fun I’m doing it for the fun because we promise you the other end of that that Source energy mechanic is sure doing it for the fun really doing it for the farm does he get frustrated with me no and if he did your frustration wouldn’t be felt by you your frustration is your differing opinion with him it’s like you can do it I can’t do it ah you’re really good at this I really suck at this you’re figuring it out I’m never gonna figure this out I’m having fun this is fun I like figuring this out and before you know it here’s another promise to you you’re going to find new ways of doing things that no one here has figured out yet   you’re going to find ways of retrofitting things you’re going to figure out things that can be used instead of those things inspiration is going to flow through you you’re going to be the creative genius that you were born to be through this Avenue if you choose it because it does not matter what the subject of your attention is when Source flows with you it’s awesome I know yeah you feel better don’t you I do feel better yeah if you choose it you say yes because it does not matter what the subject of your attention is when Source flows with you it’s awesome you feel better don’t you I do feel better yeah thank you good enough