This Site Is A Special Thank You & Introduction To Some Outstanding Men & Women!

"Your story should not be your fortress but rather your fuel." - Lisa Nichols
"The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing." -Walt Disney
"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on." -Franklin D. Roosevelt
"Don't judge each day by the harvest you reap but by the seeds that you plant." -Robert Louis Stevenson
Dreams grow if you grow. Zig Ziglar
"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall." -Nelson Mandela
"In the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." -Abraham Lincoln
"Life is a succession of lessons which must be lived to be understood." -Ralph Waldo Emerson
"The only impossible journey is the one you never begin." -Tony Robbins
"Love the life you live. Live the life you love." -Bob Marley
"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all." -Helen Keller
If you judge people, you have no time to love them. Mother Teresa
All that we are is the result of what we have thought. Buddha
Stay hungry, stay foolish. Steve Jobs
The future belongs to those who prepare for it today. Malcolm X
Some people do really find fault like there's a reward for it. Zig Ziglar
It always seems impossible until it’s done. Nelson Mandela
Turn your wounds into wisdom. Oprah Winfrey
Whatever you are, be a good one. Abraham Lincoln
Do what you can, with what you have, where you are. Theodore Roosevelt
Little by little, one travels far. J.R.R. Tolkien
I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times. Bruce Lee
A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything. Malcolm X
You have power over your mind – not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength. Marcus Aurelius
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail. Benjamin Franklin
I think, therefore I am. René Descartes
To be, or not to be, that is the question. William Shakespeare
A lot of people quit looking for work as soon as they find a job. Zig Ziglar
Live life like your the hero in the story.
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Build A Bat House & Raise Bats

How To Build A Bat House (3)

Bats Eats Mosquitoes & Already Live At Your Place!

Building a Bat House: A Guide to Benefiting Bats and Your Garden

The Benefits of Bats

Bats are incredibly beneficial creatures, and here are a few reasons why:

How To Build A Bat House (3)

Natural Pest Control

One of the most significant benefits of having bats in your vicinity is their remarkable insect control abilities. Bats are voracious eaters, primarily feasting on mosquitoes, moths, beetles, and other flying insects. By attracting bats to your garden, you can significantly reduce the need for chemical pesticides, creating a more eco-friendly and sustainable environment.

Pollination and Seed Dispersal

Bats also play a crucial role in pollination and seed dispersal. Many flowering plants rely on bats for pollination, including various fruits like bananas, mangoes, and guavas. Moreover, bats consume fruits and disperse the seeds through their droppings, contributing to the growth and diversity of plants.

Conservation of Ecosystems

Bats are integral parts of various ecosystems around the world. They help maintain the balance of nature by controlling insect populations and ensuring the survival of countless plant species. By providing a habitat for bats, you are actively contributing to the conservation of these ecosystems.

How To Build A Bat House (3)The Importance of Bat Houses

While bats naturally seek shelter in caves, deforestation and human intervention have significantly impacted their habitat. Urbanization has led to the destruction of many natural roosting sites, forcing bats to find alternative locations. This is where bat houses come into play.

A bat house is a specially designed structure that mimics the dark and cozy environment of a natural roosting site. By providing a safe and suitable habitat, bat houses offer a refuge for bats to rest, raise their young, and contribute to the local ecosystem. Additionally, bat houses help mitigate the potential conflicts between bats and humans, as they provide an alternative to bats seeking shelter in attics or other inconvenient locations.

Building Your Own Bat House

Building a bat house is a rewarding and straightforward project that can be completed in a few hours. Here’s a step-by-step guide to get you started:

Step 1: Gather Materials

To build a bat house, you will need the following:  1/2-inch exterior-grade plywood, Screws or nails, Weatherproof sealant or paint, Power drill, Saw, Measuring tape, & Sandpaper.

Step 2: Choose a Design

Multiple bat house designs are available, but the most common and effective model is the single-chamber bat house. It consists of a tall, narrow box with a chamber that provides enough space for bats to roost comfortably.

Step 3: Cut and Assemble

Using the plywood, cut out the necessary pieces according to your chosen design. Assemble the pieces together using screws or nails, ensuring the structure is stable and secure.

How To Build A Bat House (3)Step 4: Provide Chambers and Landing Pads

Inside the bat house, add multiple chambers by attaching thin plywood dividers. These chambers provide individual spaces for bats to roost. Additionally, include landing pads beneath each chamber to help bats comfortably access their roost.

Step 5: Ventilation and Protection

Drill small ventilation holes on the sides of the bat house to ensure proper airflow. This will help regulate the temperature inside the house. Apply weatherproof sealant or paint to protect the bat house from the elements.

Step 6: Installation

Mount your bat house on a pole or an existing structure, ensuring it is at least 10-15 feet above the ground. Choose a location that receives a few hours of sunlight each day and is away from bright lights that may disrupt the bats’ navigation.

By following these steps, you can provide a welcoming home for bats in your garden or yard, contributing to the conservation of these remarkable creatures.


Building a bat house is an excellent way to support the bat population while reaping the benefits they bring. By providing bats with a suitable habitat, you can enjoy their natural pest control abilities and contribute to the overall health of your garden. So, why not embark on this eco-friendly adventure and create a bat house today?

Looking For More About Bats & How You Can Help?

Below is the complete channel for bat conservation international.  Learn more about bats and how you can get involved.  Note:  You can even adopt a bat!  Se that here:

The Soothing Symphony: Exploring the Benefits of Listening to the Sounds of Bees

The Sounds Of bees

Like The Sound Of running Water? Check Out The Sound Of Bees!

Overview Of Listening To The Sounds Of Bees:

The gentle hum of bees buzzing in the air carries with it a unique charm and tranquility. But did you know that listening to the sounds of bees can have actual benefits for our well-being? In this article, we delve into the fascinating world of bee sounds and explore the studies that shed light on the therapeutic effects of these delightful melodies.

  1. Songs of Communication: Bees use sounds as a means of communication within the hive, conveying crucial information about colony health and behavior. These sounds can be analyzed to gain insights into the well-being of the hive. By listening to these harmonic vibrations, beekeepers and researchers can better understand the state of the colony.
  2. Healing Frequencies: Honey bees produce a wide range of vibrations and sounds, ranging from less than 10 Hz to over 1000 Hz. The buzz of bees exposes us to various frequencies, which can have a positive impact on our well-being. Some studies suggest that exposure to healing sound frequencies from the buzz of bees may contribute to the longevity of beekeepers.
  3. Calming and Relaxing Effects: Just as the sound of water has a calming effect on humans, the sounds of bees can induce a sense of relaxation and well-being. Being in close proximity to the gentle buzz of bees or simply listening to their melodic hum can help reduce stress, promote better sleep, and even slow down the heart rate. This may be attributed to the soothing nature of these sounds and their connection to the natural environment.

Conclusion: Listening to the sounds of bees can provide us with a unique and therapeutic experience. As research continues to explore the fascinating world of bee sounds, we can appreciate the benefits they offer for our well-being. So, the next time you find yourself near a buzzing hive, take a moment to immerse yourself in the symphony of nature and let the gentle hum of bees transport you to a place of tranquility and calm.

Guide To Meditating Or Listening to Bees:

Here’s a guide on how to immerse yourself in the soothing sounds of bees and experience the benefits they offer:

  1. Find a Tranquil Spot: Look for a peaceful location where you can comfortably listen to the sounds of bees. This could be in your garden, a nearby park, or any place where bees are buzzing around.

  2. Be Mindful: Take a moment to immerse yourself in the present moment. Focus on the sounds of bees and let go of any distractions or thoughts that may arise. Be fully present and attentive to the symphony of nature.

  3. Relax and Breathe: Find a comfortable position, whether sitting or lying down. Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Allow the soothing sounds of bees to wash over you, bringing a sense of calm and tranquility.

  4. Tune In to the Bee Sounds: Pay close attention to the different sounds produced by the bees. Bees communicate with each other through various frequencies and vibrations. Listen for the gentle humming, buzzing, and the occasional high-pitched sounds they make.

  5. Explore Healing Frequencies: Bees produce healing frequencies that can have a positive impact on our well-being. These frequencies range from 100 to 400 Hz, which are known to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and even alleviate pain. Allow yourself to be enveloped by these healing frequencies and feel their soothing effects.

  6. Time in Nature: Spending time in nature has numerous benefits for our overall well-being. Listening to the sounds of bees is just one way to connect with the natural world around us. Take this opportunity to appreciate the beauty and harmony of nature, and let the gentle hum of bees transport you to a place of tranquility.

  7. Practice Regularly: Make listening to bee sounds a regular practice in your life. Set aside dedicated time each day or week to immerse yourself in the symphony of bees. Over time, you will notice the cumulative benefits it brings to your well-being.

Remember, the sounds of bees are not just background noise but a gateway to a deeper connection with nature and a source of relaxation and healing. Embrace the opportunity to listen to the gentle hum of bees and allow yourself to be transported to a place of tranquility and calm.

Know ThySelf Channel


Know Thyself - A YouTube Channel Transforming Self-Discovery

YouTube is a platform teeming with content of every imaginable variety. Among these, a channel that stands out in the realm of personal growth and self-improvement is “Know Thyself.”

On Know Thyself, viewers are treated to an expansive range of content that encourages introspection and self-awareness. Hosted by the charismatic and empathetic host, André Duqum, each video serves as a profound exploration into the nature of the self.

The channel covers a broad array of topics such as cognitive behavioral techniques, mindfulness, meditation practices, emotional intelligence, and more. The information is distilled from complex psychological theories into easily digestible content. A special mention must go to the beautifully animated videos, which add a visual dimension to the concept of self-understanding.

The strength of Know Thyself lies not just in its informative content but also in its engagement with its audience. André Duqum takes the time to interact with viewers, responding to their queries and comments. This fosters a thriving community of individuals who are on the path to self-discovery.

A recurring theme on the channel is the power of introspection. Whether it’s through guided meditation or structured self-reflection exercises, the channel consistently offers viewers the tools to delve deeper into their own psyche.

Know Thyself manages to strike a balance between being thought-provoking and accessible. It stands as a testament to the transformative power of self-awareness and introspection in the digital age. For those seeking to understand themselves better and navigate life more effectively, this channel is a must-watch.

Repetitive Thoughts Can Be Destructive Or Creative

The most powerful thing is a repetitive thought.

Joe Dispenza and Jay Shetty share...

Rewiring the Mind: Harnessing the Power of Conscious Thought:

In a captivating and thought-provoking conversation, Jay Shetty, a renowned author and host of the popular podcast “On Purpose,” discusses the profound impact of repetitive thoughts and the potential for change. Delving into the realm of consciousness and self-transformation, Shetty provides valuable insights on how repetitive thoughts shape our beliefs and behaviors, and offers strategies for reprogramming the mind for a more empowered and fulfilling life. This article explores the key takeaways from Shetty’s discourse, shedding light on the importance of conscious thought and its implications for personal growth and happiness.

Understanding the Power of Repetitive Thought:
According to Shetty, repetitive thoughts possess incredible potential. Just as the most beautiful creations in the world often emerge from an obsession with a new idea, the most dangerous thoughts are the ones that repeatedly reinforce negative beliefs about oneself. Shetty highlights that countless individuals find themselves trapped in a cycle of self-doubt, believing they are unworthy or undeserving of love. To break free from this pattern, it is essential to recognize the influence of repetitive thoughts and their role in shaping our experiences.

Consciousness: The Gateway to Change:
Shetty emphasizes the significance of becoming conscious of our unconscious thoughts. He explains that repetitive thoughts gradually solidify into beliefs, forming strong neural connections in the brain. As a result, these beliefs become automatic, driving our behavior on an unconscious level. However, Shetty highlights that accepting a thought as truth without questioning or analyzing it can perpetuate negative patterns, leading to the same choices, behaviors, and experiences.

Challenging Unconscious Beliefs:
The process of change begins by consciously confronting and questioning our unconscious beliefs. Shetty acknowledges that this can be uncomfortable, as it requires breaking away from familiar territory and stepping into the unknown. He explains that the brain instinctively seeks evidence of change in the external environment. When the external environment remains unchanged, individuals often revert to their old thought patterns, believing that the new path is ineffective. However, Shetty urges individuals to persist and remain committed to the process of change, recognizing that discomfort is an inherent part of growth.

Reprogramming the Mind:
Shetty highlights the importance of intentionally choosing new thoughts and beliefs. By consistently practicing new thought patterns, individuals can activate their prefrontal cortex—the part of the brain associated with decision-making—and gradually rewire their neural circuitry. Initially, this process may feel unfamiliar and uncertain, but with repetition, the new thoughts become more hardwired and automatic, leading to lasting change. Shetty emphasizes the significance of aligning one’s thoughts, behaviors, and emotions with the desired outcome, paving the way for a transformed and fulfilling life.

Harnessing Emotional States:
Emotions play a crucial role in the process of change. Shetty highlights that emotions are a record of past experiences, and the stronger the emotion associated with a particular event, the more deeply ingrained it becomes. He emphasizes the importance of consciously regulating emotional states, as repeated feelings of unworthiness or negativity can shape our thoughts and perpetuate a cycle of self-doubt. By actively choosing elevated emotions and rehearsing positive feelings, individuals can condition their bodies to believe in a new reality, leading to significant biological and metabolic changes.

The Power of Repetition and Intention:
Shetty underscores the significance of repetition and intention in rewiring the mind. He emphasizes that simply wishing for change is insufficient; consistent action is necessary. By repeatedly exposing the mind to positive and empowering information, individuals can reprogram their habits and beliefs. Whether through daily affirmations, focused attention, or mental rehearsal, intentionally directing thoughts and emotions toward a desired outcome can initiate profound transformation.

Jay Shetty’s insights shed light on the power of conscious thought and its potential to transform our lives. By becoming aware of our repetitive thoughts, challenging unconscious beliefs, and consciously choosing new thought patterns, we can reprogram our minds for growth, happiness, and self-empowerment. Embracing discomfort and persistently practicing new ways of thinking and feeling, we can break free from the limitations of our past and create a future aligned with our deepest desires.

operating in that emergency mode for prolonged periods, it can have detrimental effects on your health and well-being. Chronic stress can lead to a variety of physical and mental health issues, including anxiety, depression, heart disease, and weakened immune function.

By practicing techniques like breathwork and meditation, you can train your body to shift out of that emergency mode and activate the relaxation response. This helps regulate your heart rate, promote a state of calm, and restore balance to your nervous system. It allows you to approach challenging situations with more clarity, focus, and resilience.

While it may be challenging to grasp the immediate benefits of these practices when faced with pressing issues, it’s essential to recognize that investing time in self-care and stress reduction techniques can have long-term positive effects on your overall well-being. It’s about finding a balance between addressing immediate concerns and taking steps to cultivate a healthier and more resilient mind and body.

Remember that your well-being is a priority, and by incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can build emotional resilience, enhance your ability to cope with stress, and ultimately improve your quality of life.

Joe emphasizes the importance of recognizing the addictive nature of living in a state of stress and survival, as well as the need to break free from that emotional state to see possibilities and become a creator in our lives.

He mentions that changing our emotions and thoughts requires practice and that it goes against thousands of years of programming for survival. However, it is a process that can be learned and developed over time. He suggests that we have two choices when faced with challenges: to be victimized by our circumstances or to become a creator and respond from a place of love and greatness.

Joe also discusses the significance of breathwork and meditation in this process. Different breathing techniques are used to regulate brain waves, increase coherence, and shift our emotional and mental states. He explains that breathwork can help us tap into our creative life force, increase energy in the brain, and induce altered states of consciousness.

Towards the end of the conversation, Joe mentions ongoing research on random event generators, which shows that collective networks of observers can influence reality. He emphasizes the importance of community, connection, and compassion in our lives, both on a personal level and a larger scale.

Overall, the conversation highlights the transformative power of changing our thoughts, emotions, and behaviors, as well as the importance of practices such as breathwork and meditation in facilitating this change. It encourages individuals to take responsibility for their own lives and embrace their role as creators.

It’s Not About The Tools In Your Hands

Esther Reveals Why He Throws His Tools.

Esther Reveals Why He Throws His Tools.

This discussion revolves around the practice of meditation and its relationship with connecting to one’s inner being or higher self. The speaker explains that meditation is a tool used to quiet the mind, which allows for the release of resistance and the natural dominance of Source energy or higher vibrations.

The transcript highlights the experiences of the person referred to as Esther during her meditation practice. It mentions that initially, she experiences a state of numbness, which is followed by sensations of movement in her body. These sensations, such as twitches and itches, are described as the energy of Source beginning to dominate her vibration and dissolve any lower vibrational frequencies related to resistance or negative emotions.

As Esther progresses in her meditation practice, she starts to feel the impulses to move, yawn, or respond to music. These movements and responses are attributed to the non-physical aspect of her being, which is in tune with broader perspective or Source energy. It is emphasized that allowing these movements and responses is a positive sign of being in an open and receptive state, aligning with the energy of Source.

The transcript also touches upon the idea that the experience of Source energy can vary from person to person. Each individual may perceive or feel it differently, akin to how different sounds are heard by different individuals or animals. The speaker suggests that one’s own emotions and state of being can influence the perception of Source energy. For example, feeling love and appreciation enhances the connection and perception of Source energy, while negative emotions like anger or despair may distort its perception.

Throughout the discussion, it is emphasized that meditation and the resulting connection with Source energy are not strange or unusual phenomena. Instead, they are seen as natural aspects of one’s being and an alignment with one’s true self. The purpose of meditation is described as closing the gap between the physical self and the inner being, allowing one to be more aligned with their authentic self and enjoy life more fully.

In summary, the transcript explores the experiences of Esther during her meditation practice, emphasizing the importance of quieting the mind, allowing Source energy to dominate one’s vibration, and experiencing the resulting sensations and movements as indicators of alignment and connection with one’s inner being.

Just Breath & Love, Breath & Love…

Esther Reveals How To...

cliff Note Overview:

The video begins with a discussion about the value of stability and inner peace. The speaker explains that being alone doesn’t necessarily make you better at managing your emotions, it just reduces the number of people around you who can potentially annoy you. They stress that, over time, even if alone, you’ll become dissatisfied with yourself if you can’t stabilize and find happiness.

The speaker then touches on the concept of chaos. They highlight that chaos often arises when you focus on too many things at once, causing a clash of contradictory vibrations within you. This scattering of attention can make you feel overwhelmed, and the instinctual response may be to retreat or isolate yourself from others. However, the solution is not in isolation but in learning to focus on thoughts that make you feel good, which will gradually stabilize your internal vibrations.

The speaker then shares their belief in the power of focused intention to bring about a feeling of goodness and the practice of what they call “the art of allowing”. This concept involves allowing yourself to receive all the wonderful things that life has to offer by eliminating resistance.

Two action steps are suggested. First, they recommend taking 15 minutes each day to focus solely on breathing, celebrating the life-giving qualities of oxygen. The act of focused breathing is described as a crucial exercise of “allowing” that helps individuals find peace amidst chaos.

Second, the speaker encourages the audience to incorporate love into this exercise after a few days, starting with self-love and then expanding it to others. They assert that consistent practice will align the many aspects of your life into a harmonious picture.

Then, the speaker responds to a question about how to deal with the energetic chaos of massaging different people. They suggest aligning one’s own energy before the massage session to prevent being pulled into the client’s energy field, which could lead to physical fatigue.

The speaker advises massagers not to push through energy blockages, but rather to accept and respect the client’s current state. By understanding and acknowledging the client’s readiness to receive, massagers can avoid the backlash of forcing more energy than the client is prepared to take. This prevents chaos in their experience and allows for a more peaceful interaction.

In conclusion, the speaker emphasizes that the ability to facilitate the client’s experience without trying to control it will greatly improve the massager’s own wellbeing.

Video Transcript:

 I’m doing it so much better than I ever have and I lived alone for a lot of  years and I was much better at it then  so no you weren’t no  we love you but no tell me give it to me  you weren’t so much better at it you  just had less to try to manage in other  words when you’re all alone  there’s not nearly as many people to bug  you yeah  but then you must become a Hermit to be  happy yeah I know and in time you won’t  even like yourself yeah one of the words  that never works it’s so much better to  stabilize and look for things that feel  good wherever you are and then you can  go anywhere and feel good I want that  and I love the richness in my life and I  love all of the people and I love the  variety and most of the time I really am  just devouring it and finding so many  wonderful things about it we want to go  back to this chaos thing because we know  how uncomfortable that feels and we want  you to realize that anytime you give  your attention to anything your  attention to it activates the vibration  of it within you and a feeling of being  scattered or confused that chaotic  feeling is about focusing upon lots of  different things and usually  contradictory things so that they’re all  activated within you so that you’re  running around on the brink of things  being activated depending upon what your  environment brings to you and that makes  you feel like you want to hide from  people it makes you feel like you want  to close yourself off from them where  when you show Yourself by practicing  when it’s comfortable to do so and that  it usually begins when you’re by  yourself as you practice choosing  thoughts that feel good and you use your  willpower to focus upon them because  they feel good what happens is in a very  short period of time you deactivate by  virtue of activating these things you  deactivate those things so that law of  attraction must give you more of those  kinds of things so then your life  becomes one of Greater harmonics instead  of disharmonics  you don’t want to be single-minded  because we like the word you use you  like the richness and fullness of the  variety of your experience but you can  have richness in harmony or you can have  richness or Variety in disharmony or  Discord so it’s all about my newfound  determination to focus  with the intention of generating a  feeling that feels good to me while I do  it that really is the key  to what we call in this Workshop art of  allowing the art of allowing all of the  wonderful things in that want in by  virtue of my releasing resistance which  is the only thing that’s been keeping  them out  there are two things that we would  encourage you to do  in terms of action  sit every day for 15 minutes with the  intention of filling your body full of  air breathe breathe breathe breathe  breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe  just breathe that’s your assignment 15  minutes of breathing 15 minutes of in  and out in and out and appreciation for  this delicious oxygen in and out in and  out in and out just breathing breathing  breathing breathing breathing if you  would just do that your chaotic world  would smooth right out it would  just by focusing on breathing for 15  minutes every day 15 minutes of  breathing really breathing breathing  with the idea of filling my body feeling  my lungs so that my lungs can transport  the oxygen and all of its life-giving  qualities to the extremities of my body  breathing if you’re running if you’re  moving your body you’re doing it  automatically but breathe breathe  breathe breathe breathe breathe breathe  it is the exercise of allowing above all  other exercises of allowing in other  words the air is there for you the  well-being is there for you Source  energy is lined everything up for you  just breathe yourself into receiving the  fullness and no chaos there just breathe  Just Breathe It is the most natural  thing in the world you are worthy and  loved and Brilliant and your life has  caused you to launch so many rockets  that are right there ready to come into  fruition just breathe them into being  and then after you breathe for 15  minutes every day for a while then use  that time to breathe and love me breathe  and love me breathe and love the air  breathe and love my body breathe and  love my nose breathe and love my lungs  breathe and love my physical mechanism  just breathe and love and breathe and  love and breathe and love and breathe  and love and after you’ve done that for  a few days then breathe and love that  one over there and breathe and love that  one over there and breathe and love and  breathe and love and before you know it  that chaos which is only because of too  many activated things within you lines  right up to this perfect picture that  you’ve been accumulating over many many  years that Source energy has already  become and then suddenly you begin  noticing that who you have become in  terms of non-physical energy you just  begin becoming in terms of manifestation  you just become it and when people say  how did you do it was it hard you say it  was as easy as breathing really  thank you so much I do a lot of Massage  and I love to do it and I get a lot of  different people again a lot of variety  and I think one reason why I’ve been so  chaotic is even though I’m really  focused the whole time I still am like  my nervous system is still taking it in  and I spend a lot of time just seeking  for that balance and so I really  appreciate the breathing while I’m in  the massage doing the massage is can you  help me with something to focus where to  focus well we’re appreciating the wisdom  and the way you presented this because  if you will take time to breathe  yourself into alignment before your  first encounter in a day you’ll find  that you won’t be trying so hard what’s  happening to you is you’re very  sensitive to energy and so you get  yourself lined up and then you introduce  yourself in really full fashion to  what’s going on with someone else and as  you do that instead of bringing them up  to your vibration you’re sort of meeting  them at their vibration and then  recognizing it because you can tell by  the way you feel as you don’t feel the  energy and the way you’re accustomed to  and you even find yourself feeling  physical fatigue as a result of it and  so what you’re wanting to do is to do  your work before you do the massage  because once you get into it it’s too  late yeah okay unless they’re really  tuned in in which case they’ll take you  for a very good ride  so you could put a shingle out that says  only come to me when you’re at your best  but most of them don’t think that’s when  they need you right they want to come to  you so that you can help them find their  best you say and so you might want to  integrate some of that breathing into  your preliminary massage work with them  in other words let them know that you’re  going to help them without even touching  them for a little while massage from the  inside out and then just sit for two or  three minutes and deep breathe with them  just to sort of relax them and relax you  it can make a world of difference as you  begin the work you see and then the next  specific thing in response to your  specific question is when you bump up  against something energy wise and when  that happens  that’s the time for you to breathe  because in your breathing what it’s  saying is I’m just going to let this be  what it bees while I connect with the  energy that is me and in your breathing  it happens with a lot of healers and  people who are doing massage or even  medicine or anyone who is hands on  anything with another very often what  happens is you get so that you can feel  when it’s flowing and you can feel when  you’ve bumped up against something and  the knee-jerk reaction when you bump up  against it is to Garner more energy and  push a little but if they’re blocked and  you push it just backlashes right back  at you and it doesn’t help them  we’ve never ever seen anyone no matter  how talented they are in accessing the  energy push through a blockage you just  can’t do it because whatever you’re  pushing against is getting bigger  by your awareness of it so you have to  Envision blockage free  in other words you have to see them as  open and receiving and so the attitude  that we would have and the words that we  would speak during our breathing  exercise prior to interacting with them  is I’m aligning to this Source energy  and I’m enhancing my sensitivity to  their energy and I’m going to know how  much they’re ready for and that’s what  I’m going to flow and whatever they’re  ready for is just right for today  because every day is a new day and so  this is just where they are today  sometimes you have a client where you  remember a particularly good experience  with them and that’s what they want from  you again they want that from you again  even though today they’re an honorary  toad  today they’re nowhere near the openness  than they were that day but they want  the same thing from you you see well  they can’t get the same thing their  vibration has to be in a place where  they are allowing it and when you take  responsibility for their vibration you  get chaos in your experience  so your attitude to them whether you  speak it or not is I am willing to  facilitate you in receiving whatever  you’re ready to allow whatever you are  ready to allow and if it’s a lot I’m up  for it if it’s not so much that’s okay  too and as you stop trying to push more  at them than they’re ready for oh your  world is going to get so much better  that’s great thank you so much that  should work  thank you 

Fear Of Commitment & Fear Of Running Away (Relationship Advice)

Esther Reveals A Bit Of Relationship Advice:

In this video, Esther Hicks, known as Abraham Hicks, explores the concept of finding love and appreciation within oneself. She emphasizes the importance of not relying on external sources, such as other people, for validation and love. Instead, she suggests that individuals can tap into a steady source of love by connecting with their inner being or inner self.

Esther Hicks explains that seeking love and validation from others can be inconsistent because it depends on their behavior and circumstances. It is not a steady source of love. However, she suggests that by focusing on loving oneself and others, individuals can experience that warm and fuzzy feeling associated with love. This means appreciating oneself, acknowledging personal greatness, and extending love and appreciation to others.

She goes on to explain that when someone holds you as their object of attention and appreciates you, it feels wonderful because Source energy (the universal life force) is flowing through them to you. However, she emphasizes that each individual has their own direct connection to Source energy, and they don’t need someone else to feel that love and appreciation. One can tap into that love by connecting with their inner being, which is always aligned with Source energy and always flowing love.

The discussion then shifts towards relationships, specifically the dynamics of commitment and freedom. Esther Hicks mentions that women often desire commitment while men often desire freedom. She explains that when individuals try to control or demand commitment from their partner, it can create resistance and push the partner away. Instead, she advises individuals to focus on their own alignment, happiness, and well-being. By doing so, they become a vibrational match to what they desire, and the universe will bring forth the cooperative components to manifest a fulfilling relationship.

Esther Hicks encourages individuals to engage in a 30-day challenge of finding happiness within themselves. By focusing on activities and thoughts that bring joy, individuals align with their own resources and become a magnet for positive experiences. She suggests avoiding trying too hard or worrying about specific outcomes and instead directing attention to other aspects of life. By finding happiness independently, individuals can have a more fulfilling and balanced relationship with others.

Overall, the video emphasizes the importance of self-love, appreciation, and alignment with one’s own inner being. By finding love within oneself and focusing on personal happiness, individuals can attract positive relationships and experiences into their lives.

Abe Hicks: Focus Not Clarity

"Manifesting Clarity and Desire: An Insightful Dialogue on Alignment, Attraction, and Awakening"

In this enlightening conversation, the speaker addresses a variety of life aspects from personal desires and achieving clarity to publishing an enlightening novel, navigating romantic relationships, and understanding physical transformations during spiritual awakening. With a focus on ‘feeling’ as the essential guidance system, the speaker navigates through the complex layers of these topics, providing nuanced insights and encouraging a softer, resistance-free approach to achieving one’s desires. The key takeaway: the importance of focusing on what feels good and allowing the law of attraction to manifest clarity and desired outcomes in one’s life.

"Unraveling the Power of Focus, Emotional Response, and Law of Attraction in Achieving Life Goals and Spiritual Enlightenment"

Seeking to understand the importance of clarity in manifestation and the pursuit of desires, was advised not to make clarity the ultimate goal, but rather to focus on feeling good and limiting resistance. Clarity, they said, is a natural evolution of focus without resistance. The speaker also mentioned writing a novel intended to guide people towards their own truths and to divine communication. They were advised to approach this intention gently, focusing on bringing fun and ease to readers rather than trying to forcibly ‘crack people open’ to new ideas.

The speaker then asked for advice on their romantic life. They’ve been successful in attracting attractive, successful, and spiritually open-minded men, but found these relationships fleeting. The response was that this might be part of the clarification process, and that they shouldn’t worry about things not sticking immediately. They were encouraged to continue clarifying until they found a match that truly resonated with their needs and desires.

Finally, the speaker asked about their belief in the physical body shifting into crystallization as part of a spiritual awakening and ascension process. They were told this was likely a metaphorical way of explaining the harmony between physical and vibrational reality, but the actual bodies would not literally crystallize. Instead, the ‘symptoms’ of spiritual awakening and ascension were described as a state of heightened clarity, energy, joy, and appreciation of sensory experiences, rather than any physical transformation.

Mandy Morris Clarity, Confidence, and Self Help

Navigating Life's Journey with Mandy Morris: Clarity, Confidence, and Self-Help

In the realm of personal development and self-help, finding a guide who can illuminate the path to clarity, confidence, and fulfillment is invaluable. Enter Mandy Morris, a transformative coach, speaker, and author who has dedicated her life to empowering individuals to unlock their full potential and create a life of purpose and joy. Through her unique blend of wisdom, compassion, and practical tools, Mandy Morris offers a beacon of light for those navigating life’s journey.

How To Reprogram Your Mind For Success

Clarity: Illuminating the Path Forward

One of the cornerstones of Mandy Morris’s teachings is the importance of clarity – clarity of purpose, clarity of vision, and clarity of intention. Through introspection, reflection, and guided exercises, she helps individuals uncover their deepest desires, values, and aspirations. By gaining clarity on what truly matters to them, individuals can chart a course for their lives that is aligned with their authentic selves and leads to greater fulfillment and success.

Confidence: Embracing Your True Worth

Building confidence is another pillar of Mandy Morris’s work. She believes that true confidence stems from a deep understanding and acceptance of one’s worth and inherent value as a human being. Through mindset shifts, self-awareness practices, and practical strategies, Mandy empowers individuals to overcome self-doubt, fear, and limiting beliefs, allowing them to step into their power and embrace their full potential with unwavering confidence.

Self-Help: Tools for Personal Transformation

At the heart of Mandy Morris’s approach is a commitment to providing individuals with practical tools and strategies for personal transformation. Drawing from a diverse range of modalities, including neuroscience, positive psychology, and mindfulness, she offers a toolkit for navigating life’s challenges and overcoming obstacles. Whether it’s setting goals, managing stress, or cultivating resilience, Mandy equips her clients with the skills they need to thrive in all areas of life.

Authenticity: Living Your Truth

Central to Mandy Morris’s teachings is the importance of authenticity – being true to oneself and living in alignment with one’s values and principles. She encourages individuals to embrace their unique gifts, quirks, and imperfections, recognizing that true fulfillment comes from living authentically and embracing the full spectrum of who they are. By honoring their truth and expressing themselves authentically, individuals can create deeper connections, greater joy, and a sense of purpose that transcends external validation.

Community and Support

In addition to her individual coaching and speaking engagements, Mandy Morris fosters a vibrant community of like-minded individuals who are committed to personal growth and transformation. Through online forums, workshops, and retreats, she creates spaces for connection, support, and inspiration, allowing individuals to share their journeys, celebrate their successes, and uplift one another along the way. The sense of belonging and camaraderie within Mandy’s community serves as a source of strength and encouragement for those on the path to self-discovery.


In a world filled with noise, distractions, and uncertainty, Mandy Morris stands as a beacon of clarity, confidence, and self-help. Through her transformative coaching, inspirational speaking, and empowering resources, she offers individuals the guidance and support they need to navigate life’s journey with courage, grace, and authenticity. Whether you’re seeking clarity on your path, confidence in your abilities, or practical tools for personal growth, Mandy Morris provides a roadmap for unlocking your full potential and creating a life of meaning, joy, and fulfillment.


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If you love reading books: Love “It’s How I Manifest”: On Abundance, Happiness, Joy, and Peace of Mind. Get it here:

Mandy Morris LOA

"Mandy Morris LOA 3-Day Course: Unlocking the Power of the Law of Attraction"

Mandy Morris, a renowned expert in personal development and manifestation, invites you to embark on a transformative journey with her immersive 3-day Law of Attraction (LOA) course. Designed to unlock the hidden potential within you and unleash the power of your thoughts and intentions, this course offers a comprehensive exploration of the principles and practices of the Law of Attraction.

About Mandy Morris

Mandy Morris is a leading authority in the field of the Law of Attraction, known for her dynamic teaching style, profound insights, and compassionate guidance. With years of experience as a coach, speaker, and author, Morris has helped countless individuals worldwide tap into their innate abilities to manifest their desires and create the life they truly desire.

The Law of Attraction Unveiled

The Law of Attraction, a universal principle that states that like attracts like, is the cornerstone of Morris’s teachings. Throughout the 3-day course, participants will gain a deep understanding of how their thoughts, beliefs, and emotions shape their reality and influence the outcomes they experience in life. Morris demystifies the Law of Attraction, providing clarity and practical tools for harnessing its power to manifest abundance, success, and fulfillment.

Course Curriculum

The 3-day course covers a wide range of topics, including:

  1. Foundations of the Law of Attraction: Gain insight into the core principles of the Law of Attraction and learn how to align your thoughts, beliefs, and actions with your desires.

  2. Mindset Mastery: Explore the role of mindset in manifestation and discover techniques for reprogramming limiting beliefs, overcoming self-doubt, and cultivating a positive, empowered mindset.

  3. Visualization and Affirmation Practices: Learn powerful visualization and affirmation techniques to amplify your manifestation efforts and manifest your goals with greater clarity and precision.

  4. Emotional Mastery: Develop emotional intelligence and learn how to harness the power of emotions to fuel your manifestation process and create positive momentum in your life.

  5. Action Steps and Goal Setting: Create a personalized action plan for manifesting your dreams and goals, incorporating practical steps and strategies for taking inspired action and moving towards your desired outcomes.

  6. Group Exercises and Discussions: Engage in interactive group exercises, discussions, and Q&A sessions to deepen your understanding of the Law of Attraction and connect with like-minded individuals on a similar journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Empowerment and Transformation

By the end of the 3-day course, participants will emerge with a renewed sense of purpose, clarity, and confidence in their ability to manifest their desires and create the life they envision. Armed with practical tools, profound insights, and a supportive community of fellow seekers, participants will be empowered to embrace their inherent creative power and live a life of abundance, joy, and fulfillment.


“Mandy Morris LOA 3-Day Course” offers a transformative experience that goes beyond surface-level teachings to dive deep into the core principles and practices of the Law of Attraction. Through immersive learning, interactive exercises, and personalized guidance from Mandy Morris herself, participants will unlock the secrets of manifestation and step into their true potential as deliberate creators of their reality. Whether you’re seeking to manifest wealth, health, relationships, or personal growth, this course provides the roadmap and support you need to turn your dreams into reality.

Gregory Hodges – Joe Dispenza Retreat Experience

Here is Greg's multi-part review Of joe Dispenza's retreat:

Gregory Hodges’s transformative journey through a Joe Dispenza Retreat Experience embodies the power of self-discovery and personal growth. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a renowned author, speaker, and expert in the field of neuroscience, offers retreats designed to empower individuals to break free from limiting beliefs and create positive change in their lives.

For Gregory Hodges, attending a Joe Dispenza retreat was a profound and life-changing experience. Through a combination of workshops, meditation practices, and immersive experiences, he delved deep into the inner workings of his mind and discovered the potential for profound transformation.

At the heart of the retreat experience is Dr. Dispenza’s teachings on the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit. Drawing from cutting-edge research in neuroscience and quantum physics, Dr. Dispenza guides participants on a journey to rewire their brains, release old patterns, and tap into their innate potential for healing and growth.

Throughout the retreat, Gregory Hodges immersed himself in intensive meditation practices, learning to quiet the chatter of his mind and access deeper states of consciousness. Through these practices, he gained insights into the power of the present moment and the importance of cultivating a positive mindset.

One of the most impactful aspects of the retreat for Gregory was the sense of community and support fostered among participants. Surrounded by like-minded individuals on a similar path of self-discovery, he found strength and encouragement to confront his fears, embrace vulnerability, and step into his true potential.

As Gregory Hodges reflects on his Joe Dispenza Retreat Experience, he acknowledges the profound impact it has had on every aspect of his life. From newfound clarity and purpose to a deep sense of inner peace and fulfillment, the retreat has equipped him with the tools and insights needed to navigate life’s challenges with grace and resilience.

Ultimately, Gregory’s journey through the Joe Dispenza retreat serves as a testament to the transformative power of self-awareness, intentionality, and the willingness to embrace change. By tapping into the limitless potential of the mind-body connection, he has unlocked a new realm of possibilities and embarked on a journey of profound personal growth and empowerment.

Looking For More? Here Is Greg's Channel:

Doctor Andrew Huberman

Neuroscience Unveiled: Insights from Dr. Andrew Huberman

Exploring the Brain, Behavior, and Optimal Performance

Welcome to “Neuroscience Unveiled,” where we embark on a journey into the fascinating world of neuroscience with insights from Dr. Andrew Huberman. In this exploration, we’ll delve into cutting-edge research and discoveries that shed light on the inner workings of the brain, behavior, and optimal human performance. Join us as we uncover the secrets to unlocking the full potential of the mind and body.

Chapter 1: Meet Dr. Andrew Huberman

Get acquainted with Dr. Andrew Huberman, a renowned neuroscientist and professor at Stanford University who specializes in the fields of vision, neuroscience, and behavior. In this chapter, we’ll explore Dr. Huberman’s background, research interests, and contributions to the field of neuroscience.

Chapter 2: The Neuroscience of Vision

Dive into the fascinating world of vision neuroscience and uncover the mechanisms that govern perception, attention, and visual processing. In this chapter, we’ll explore Dr. Huberman’s research on topics such as visual perception, neural circuits, and the role of light exposure in regulating mood and cognition.

Chapter 3: Neuroplasticity and Learning

Explore the concept of neuroplasticity and its implications for learning, memory, and skill acquisition. In this chapter, we’ll delve into Dr. Huberman’s research on neural plasticity, synaptic remodeling, and the factors that influence brain development and adaptation throughout life.

Chapter 4: Neuroscience of Stress and Resilience

Uncover the neuroscience behind stress, anxiety, and resilience, and learn how to optimize your brain’s response to adversity. In this chapter, we’ll explore Dr. Huberman’s research on stress physiology, the autonomic nervous system, and strategies for enhancing resilience and emotional well-being.

Chapter 5: Sleep and Circadian Rhythms

Delve into the neuroscience of sleep and circadian rhythms, and discover the impact of sleep on brain function, health, and performance. In this chapter, we’ll explore Dr. Huberman’s research on sleep physiology, sleep disorders, and practical tips for optimizing sleep quality and duration.

Chapter 6: Neurobiology of Motivation and Goal Setting

Explore the neurobiology of motivation, reward, and goal setting, and learn how to harness the power of your brain to achieve your goals. In this chapter, we’ll delve into Dr. Huberman’s research on dopamine signaling, goal-directed behavior, and strategies for enhancing motivation and productivity.

Chapter 7: Brain-Body Connection and Optimal Performance

Uncover the intricate connection between the brain and body and its impact on physical and mental performance. In this chapter, we’ll explore Dr. Huberman’s research on the brain-body connection, somatic awareness, and techniques for optimizing performance in sports, fitness, and everyday life.


As we conclude our journey through “Neuroscience Unveiled” with insights from Dr. Andrew Huberman, may you be inspired to explore the fascinating world of neuroscience and apply its principles to enhance your well-being, performance, and overall quality of life. Whether you’re interested in vision, learning, stress resilience, or sleep, may you use the knowledge gained to unlock the full potential of your brain and live a happier, healthier, and more fulfilling life.

Be More – Yoga with Anysa

Joe Dispenza Retreat Review & Tips:

Are you considering participating in a Joe Dispenza retreat or class?  Have you watch any reviews to see what others have experienced?  Have a look here and get insights that will help you on your journey with Joe.

How to prepare for a Doctor Joe dispenza week long Event:

Are you about to pull the trigger and make a Joe Dispenza week long retreat happen?  Have a look at this great advice to help you better prepare for this meditation retreat.

How to prepare for a Doctor Joe dispenza week long Event:

Here is a multipart YouTube Playlist that will help you decide if Joes retreats are for you or not.  Kick back and listen to this detailed review of Joe Dispenza’s Week Long Meditation Retreat.

Six Months After Review:

Wondering what happened weeks after her week long retreat?

She Did Joe dispenza's Retreat Twice!

Here is another multipart YouTube Playlist that will help you see what people are getting from Joe Dispenza’s retreats.  Have a look and learn how to have a better more productive week long retreat with Joe.

Looking For A Monthly (At Home) Yoga Coach?

Did you enjoy this Joe Dispenza review?  Why not consider continuing your journey along with Anysa? 

Anysa has a monthly at home yoga course.

Juliet Cleary Manifestation Coach

Looking For A Law Of Attraction Coach?

Manifesting Miracles: Empowering Transformation with Juliet Cleary, Manifestation Coach

Juliet Cleary, a seasoned manifestation coach, is on a mission to empower individuals to unlock their true potential and manifest their deepest desires. With her compassionate guidance, transformative techniques, and unwavering belief in the power of manifestation, Cleary has helped countless clients manifest abundance, joy, and fulfillment in all areas of their lives.

As a manifestation coach, Cleary draws upon a wealth of knowledge and experience in the fields of psychology, spirituality, and personal development to create customized strategies and practices tailored to each client’s unique goals and aspirations. Through one-on-one coaching sessions, workshops, and online courses, she provides the tools, support, and encouragement necessary for individuals to overcome limiting beliefs, align with their true purpose, and manifest their dreams into reality.

At the core of Cleary’s coaching philosophy is the belief that we are all co-creators of our reality and possess the innate ability to manifest our desires through the power of intention, belief, and inspired action. By cultivating a positive mindset, fostering self-love and acceptance, and aligning with the universal principles of abundance and prosperity, individuals can tap into the limitless potential of the universe and manifest their deepest desires with ease and grace.

One of Cleary’s key teachings is the importance of clarity and specificity in setting intentions. Through guided visualization, journaling, and affirmation practices, she helps clients clarify their goals, identify any limiting beliefs or resistance, and create a clear and compelling vision for the future. By focusing their energy and attention on what they truly desire, clients can activate the law of attraction and draw their desires towards them with effortless ease.

In addition to her coaching services, Cleary is also a passionate advocate for self-care, mindfulness, and holistic well-being. She encourages clients to prioritize their physical, emotional, and spiritual health, and offers practical tools and techniques for cultivating inner peace, balance, and resilience in the face of life’s challenges.

As individuals embark on their manifestation journey with Juliet Cleary as their guide, they are invited to embrace the power of belief, trust in the process, and surrender to the flow of the universe. Through her compassionate guidance and unwavering support, Cleary empowers clients to step into their full potential, manifest miracles, and create a life of joy, abundance, and fulfillment beyond their wildest dreams.

Just ordered a Neville Goddard book after listening to Juliet and I wanted to share her work with you.  Have a look at the general playlist for her channel.  Sign up for her masterclass here:

Joe Dispenza Transformation Video Collection

What Kind Of Reviews & Testimonies Are Joe Dispenza Students Giving?

The Joe Dispenza Transformation Video Collection encapsulates the essence of Dr. Joe Dispenza’s revolutionary teachings and the transformative power of his methods. As a leading authority in the field of neuroscience, Dr. Dispenza has dedicated his life to helping individuals break free from the limitations of their past and create positive change in their lives.

The Transformation Video Collection offers a comprehensive and immersive journey into Dr. Dispenza’s transformative techniques, drawing from the latest research in neuroscience, quantum physics, and mindfulness practices. Through a series of captivating videos, participants are guided on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and personal growth.

At the core of the Transformation Video Collection are Dr. Dispenza’s teachings on the relationship between the mind, body, and spirit. He explores how our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions shape our reality and offers practical tools and strategies for rewiring the brain, releasing old patterns, and tapping into our innate potential.

Throughout the video collection, participants are introduced to powerful meditation practices designed to quiet the mind, access deeper states of consciousness, and facilitate profound healing and transformation. Dr. Dispenza’s guided meditations offer a pathway to inner peace, clarity, and emotional balance, empowering individuals to take control of their lives and manifest their deepest desires.

In addition to meditation, the Transformation Video Collection also features insightful lectures, workshops, and real-life testimonials from individuals who have experienced profound shifts and breakthroughs through Dr. Dispenza’s teachings. These inspiring stories serve as a reminder of the limitless potential within each of us to create the life we truly desire.

Whether you’re seeking to overcome past traumas, achieve greater levels of success and fulfillment, or unlock your full potential, the Joe Dispenza Transformation Video Collection offers a transformative journey of self-discovery and empowerment. By harnessing the power of your mind and tapping into the wisdom of your heart, you can create a life filled with joy, abundance, and purpose.

Possible Benefits Of Joe Dispenza Meditations:

Here are some of the benefits people commonly experience through engaging with Joe Dispenza’s transformational teachings:

  1. Emotional Healing: Many individuals report experiencing profound emotional healing through Dr. Dispenza’s methods. By addressing past traumas, releasing negative emotions, and cultivating a positive mindset, participants often find relief from anxiety, depression, and other emotional challenges.

  2. Physical Healing: Dr. Dispenza’s work emphasizes the mind-body connection and its impact on physical health. Participants often report experiencing improvements in their overall well-being, including relief from chronic pain, accelerated healing from injuries or illnesses, and enhanced vitality and energy levels.

  3. Increased Resilience: Through meditation and mindfulness practices, individuals develop greater resilience in the face of adversity. They learn to navigate life’s challenges with grace and equanimity, cultivating a sense of inner peace and emotional stability even during difficult times.

  4. Enhanced Creativity and Intuition: By quieting the mind and accessing deeper states of consciousness, participants often unlock their creative potential and intuitive abilities. They become more attuned to their inner guidance, allowing them to make decisions aligned with their highest aspirations and deepest desires.

  5. Improved Relationships: Dr. Dispenza’s teachings help individuals cultivate greater compassion, empathy, and understanding in their relationships. They learn to communicate more effectively, resolve conflicts peacefully, and foster deeper connections with others based on authenticity and mutual respect.

  6. Personal Growth and Empowerment: Perhaps most importantly, participants experience profound personal growth and empowerment through Dr. Dispenza’s teachings. They gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their beliefs, and their potential, empowering them to break free from limiting patterns, step into their authenticity, and create the life they truly desire.

These are just a few of the many benefits people have reported experiencing through engaging with Joe Dispenza’s transformational teachings. By harnessing the power of the mind-body connection and tapping into the innate wisdom within, individuals have the potential to transform their lives in profound and meaningful ways.